we went out last nyt , another rock pub closed down , wot a piss off !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyway think chrissy will agree its most prob def costas n scryffys for now
hi peeps chrissdy cant post lol so i am sayin it for her nyt out end of sept for def ok if u are still interested cuz we got birthdays at beggining n i got rally in middle i will put def date up anyday only few peeps can saty here cuz my kids ok
I am up for a try at this
Last time i went out? let me think !!!!!!!! oh my head hurts LOL
Let me know the date time and location and I will see if I am free to grace you with my presence lol
bluesbiker In: Birmingham in th
Posts: 2510
Broad street is fine if you like kids throwing up. There is a point at which being in broad street on a saturday night is definatly not cool. And 40 -50 year olds trying to look twenty is soooo not cool!! I'd rather just go somewhere like the robin or the road house. Real people and real music.
The Malt house off broad street is a nice place I have been to a couple of plenty of fish web site do's there.
I think the best course of action would be set a date, see who can make that date then ask what those people fancy doing, be it a meal and a drink or just a drink then sort the venue out from there.