Top night though a bit achy from the supercallyfragilisticexpeallydotious dance - thanx jan for requesting it (and the taxi) and karen for dancing it with me looking like a complete simpleton in a pub dancing to mary poppins!
Thanx steve for your pub guide skills and Mark for the BMW chat . Nice to meet those I didn't already know and to all other fantastic friends for such a fab night - if last nights anything to go by my new year is starting with a smile
It seemed like most of the gents facilities in Liverpool were conspiring against me on a night I could actually have a drink (not needing to be a taxi-service). We had a great time seeing everyone, in a cameo role, before heading back across the water to see the new year in with a bang. Fab company, decent ale and renewing acquaintences was definately the order of the eve. Catch y'all soon (M)Andy
Had a great night, couldn't believe it when they started playing supercallyfragilisticexpeallydotious ha ha!
Cheers Steve for leading the way, given you didn't feel 100% you were a star .
A billion thanks to Carolyn for putting us up and the brews and toast.... very much appreciated
A few more pics have been put up