Hi Roachy
Well spotted it is a Pheonix trailer (first 'time-out' as well) once i figured how to strap the bike down no problem, handled like a dream.
The van is the BM support vehicle me thinks!
Nice one Kwak. Did I miss the rideout photos (saw Land's End and Lizard point) or just not many piccies taken?
So where did you get to?
Bill - If you were trying to kill yourself when you swandived off the ladder then C- must try harder.
Thought it was...we've got one. Hahaha, it took us hours to figure out the best places to tie the bikes down.
Did you get the wheel chocks and propstands? It's a 2 bike one isn't it...how was it with just the one bike on?
I'm not naughty, just misunderstood pmsl! I see a picture of me hula-hooping (or should that be hula-hoping?) has made it on there.... i look like a proper spaz lol
I would like to say, the hoola-hoop competion was unfair.
It turned out that the person that won, was the person that pulled the weirdest face and not the person who managed to get the flippin thing spinning.
Since returning home, I have been practising the movements in the privacy of my own home infront of a mirror, (without a hoola hoop I might add) and I would like a re-challenge.