Welcome to all new members hope you are all well. Few things to consider. South Wales camp June Barmouth camp August + The usual rallys and meet ups for a coffee and bacon buttie
Hi everyone I am looking forward to riding with some of you in the near future. I have been on bikes for almost 40 years and done silly things like 950 miles in 24 hours but now I'm 55 I promise to be sensible! Let me know if the sun comes out 😎
Hi there , I’m new but have been on here before . After 42 years Of having a bike istopped riding for 2 and half years, missed my life. So bought another bike. Alas unlucky in love so I am here to make friends, ride outs, bike meets . Day events etc.. good to be back :-)
Hello form East Sussex! It is good to be here, some of the nicest people I have met over the last 40 years of riding have been other bikers! Anyone else on her ride an Indian Motorcycle?
Welcome to all new members hope you are all well. Few things to consider. South Wales camp June Barmouth camp August + The usual rallys and meet ups for a coffee and bacon buttie
Morning folks, very new, very old bloke stumbling around finding out how these forum thingies work. Hello to all. Right, press green bit and see what happens.....
Welcome to all the new members jump in the waters always warm and plenty in the planning for the year ahead. Tetlee South Wales camp in Llandovery 4th June is a good place to start
Hi, though not strictly a newbie I’ve not accessed the forums before so I may as well be. Summers round the corner so seems sensible to say hello. I’m in Nottingham so inevitably spend chunks of the summer ridding in the Peak District.
All of it Jeff? Must be a big gig! 😆 Go to events, june, open event and click attend 😁 If you look elsewhere in forums you'll find more details under event titles Hope that helps