It's attached to a lanyard for a reason, f*** off and get your own!!
Sorry, just a small rant about the pondlife I 'associate' with. I won't say 'work' with, because even something as trivial as a light switch can make lights go on and off. And don't get me started on the Vidiots either
Right, I better go to bed for a few hours and hopefully wake up in a more cheerful mood
I'm in a much more cheerful mood, gonna mess about for a bit then get back at it. I must admit, the HMRC people aren't my favourite people either. I rank them alongside Traffic Wardens......oh, and Lampies
A Lampy is one of the lowest forms of life. Sort of in between plankton and an amoeba, but with less braincells........
They're also the people that do lights for gigs and things like that. The brightest thing about them are said lights
Actually, the Vidiots rank lower on the evolutionary scale than the Lampies. They're the clowns who think theirs is the most important job at the whole gig, and that we must drop everything and bow down to them when they appear because they're something special. When in fact, all they do is point a camera at something, and they need a director to them them when to do it and what to point the camera at
As you've no doubt worked out, there is plenty of banter and piss-taking in my job and not once have I ever considered bribing a Rigger to drop a shackle on a Vidiots head while said Rigger is in the roof playing with his points.........
'Tis true, its the FFS curse lingers in my fingers... Thank goodness for predictive text eh?!
Jack is my bezzie mate, he listens to my rantings, nods sympathetically, and more importantly he never out stays his welcome. HBS runs in the gene pool methinks!