BJ methinks that when what must have appeared to be half a dozen mental patients on day release high on crack cocaine sit at the next table and one of them thrusts a pair of giant glasses at you.... then yes... you probably did wake him up..... no wonder they left so quick
Put it this way... they were a family having a nice quiet meal out....
Hearing you and shell shouting that you wanted some lumpy bumpy is probably the cause of them leaving.....
Go for it Anne..... she might be able to see what the score was last sunday..... notice how quiet the Villa camp has gone over there.....
Shhhhhh. but I know how to make her wear a Man U scaff..
A few points DJ: - I was not on day release... I was on weekend release - There's nothing wrong with anaemic bacon... it's "Medium Rare" - Remind me who won at Bingo... ? - Remind me who moved seats at bingo and then watched Bill win with your old cards?
Cracking weekend folks, thanks to all (even DJ) and here's to another excursion soon