Majority think the same fairies 1, but there,s still those that don,t..or maybe they are giving a toe wave, similar to some euro foot waves!.....Nod sent
Steady! I ride a Harley and nod at bikes and scooters alike - shame it's not always returned though. Please don't tar all harley riders with the same brush - we are not all 'non nodders'. I didn't buy a harley to be mean or anything for that matter - just liked the bike is all. I'll be getting of my soap box now thanks lol.
'It doesn't matter what you ride, as long as you ride' so they say and with that in mind I always nod other two-wheeled riders.
The only thing that makes me chuckle is when you see a rider (in my experience, it's the plastic rockets) who look as though they are about to dislocate their necks when they nod. They seem to fling their heads around manically when a simple nod will suffice.....bless 'em . I always find that cruisers, harleys, Pan riders etc prefer a simple raising of the hand instead of a nod.
I nod at all bikes....tend not to get many off the crotch rocketers ..but saying this i was on route to squires one afternoon and the leader of a group of 'said' bikers flahed and waved hand down at his slow down....thought at first something was up with my bike/or that i might have known them lol./or an accident....but a little way up the road (out of site ) was a couple of mr p.c plods speed checkin...and had quite a few bikers pulled up......luckily for me i'd slowed down by time i passed..not that i was going obove the speed limit cheers to fellow bikers
hiya all.i was always told to nod to other bikers by my ex he said it was the bikers code,now got my own i nod at everyone , im a little nodding dog lol get well excited when get nod back shame alot dont no back thou xx
I have been a biker for over 30 years and have always made it a point to wave at fellow bikers - esp the younger ones as i remember when i first started biking the good feeling and sense of belonging it used to give me by being acknowledged by older bikers.
i reckon it's the "same gang" nod.. used to have 2cv.. we always used to acknowledge fellow loons
i do think more bikers used to say hi in the old days with a light flash.. but you cant do that the same now we all have our lights on..