I was a bit disturbed to read that Cameron is directly descended from the House of Hanover, and is a cousin to the Queen. Parliament is supposed to be composed of 3 tiers; the monarchy, the lords, and the commoners. The House of Commons is supposed to be for commoners, the House of Lords for the toffs. Putting the Queens cousin in charge of the lower house makes a mockery of the system. IMHO of course.
Given the election result, think a Tory/Libdem coalition is the best answer
The optimist in me says they might actually manage some practical solutions. Time will tell
Whatever, they can't help but make a better job than the previous idiot.
Well all I can say is Clegg has done well for his party considering
1. He was rattling on about proportional representation and saying the voters should say who should be in power, his party had less votes than before and now he is in deputy prime minister mmmmhhh double standard there Cleggy me old fruit bat.....
2. Hey said PR was non negotiable for a coalition agreement....then it wasn't then it was..... oh make your Fg mind up.
3. Sneaks away to hold twating talks with labour behind the backs of the commitee banging out a deal....
BUt on a plus the pounds up the stock market is up and foreign confidence is up on Britain....lol that was all on Gordon Brown just saying he had resigned......whoopeeee ha ha....
i dont know the voting system has done its job in some ways it has shown that the public didnt know which way to vote as the three main partys were all pretty much as bad as each other
so in an odd way it has worked
sure concervatives would love it to be changed because that would suit them fine . but they wouldnt shouting that if they were in labours position i bet ?
as long as they work for the good of the country I don't care and when they/ if they get it sorted they then start to cut the taxes then fine but you know that they will just use the extra money if/when they cut the deficit for more unneeded shite quango's etc ....once a price goes up it seldom comes down again...as we the public in the UK just accept it like sheep ...oh we humpf and pumpf about it and rattle for a week or two then as good brits we just accept it and move on..
Most other countries would have riots etc until something was done