I hope to come along guys but i'm on an "R" shift at work, which means I won't know if I'm working yet until a few weeks before :( If I'm not working though I will definatly be there!
L.M.F. Whats a "R" shift? If they want you to work, try to swap with some one. If this year is anything like last year you would have a brilliant time at K.I.S.S. Fingers crossed ay.
Got me name down,suppose I'll have to bring Mrs Pond as well!
Shame about that band not playing anymore,perhaps Jackie could go and threaten them with violence if they dont come and do a come back appearance just for us!
With you on that one PL, maybe if she started with pretty please, then slowly uped the anti to kidnap either way we could get them to play again. There's only so many times peeps can say no
Fingers x'd LMF,
You could always pull a sicky or tell ya boss ya dogs really really poorly or you need to just tell them the truth and that KISS2 is a must, therefore you won't be able to make into work.
OR just threaten all the staff that are due to work