i know who i blame for all the crap going on in this country but we don't have free speech any more because of this lot and i can't name them because some pussy footing country destroying do gooder will have me arrested. what a shit hole this country is being turned into
I blame the nanny state for banning fun and excitement. Health and safety has gone mad. You can't do this, you mustn't do that. This is partly to blame for childhood obesity, they're not allowed to play outside climbing trees, playing conkers, and generally running around in the fresh air cos the outside world is too dangerous
its those pussy footing country destroying do gooders creeping into everything thats causing all the trouble. they might be getting higher up my list than women and religion. mind you i only said might be.
I blame the squirrels. Cunning little devils, look so cute and fluffy. They're not! They are plotting. I see them in the trees looking down at me waiting till the time is right. And do you know why you hardly see any red ones? It's because they are undercover commando squirrels infiltrating society. That person sat near you, are you sure they're not a group of them in a person suit?