well I did my test on a Suzuki sr125 (coz I couldn't reach the ground properly on their 250 bike 😂) first bike I owned/rode was honda cbr400 then honda hornet then... Suzuki bandit 400 then ....my favourite best bike ever Harley Sportster 883.....staged ones etc bandaged the downpipes etc
so the simple answer is no 🤣😜😜😂
do you say you don't like things when you've never truly tried them? food, bikes, anything ...
Yes but I am learning If I did not like the smell then I would never taste it bikes never liked Hondas then I bought one. Never bought another one Landrovers always thought the Td5 engine was superior to the Puma 2.4, 2.2 transit engine, but there is no shortage of transit engines
yesss!! and coz I was at boarding school (more like workhouse!!) we had a washing up rota at night and if I was on a Thursday, I'd pay someone like 25p to do it for me 😂......was the only night in the week we was allowed to watch telly and we only had 6 wooden chairs so we stood on tables to watch it 😂.....pmsl loved that show, madness, specials etc
neither ✨ I love silence when going to sleep, I find it gloriously peaceful and lush!! or the natural sounds of nature around me 🙏....but I can sleep with rally going on etc
I cycled to Devon and back using Youth Hostels.... when I was 14 but I couldn't imagine carrying more than a couple of changes of clothes and a toothbrush on a pushbike😂
35 yrs ago I had a neighbour who leant his DR400 against my downstairs bedsit wall to start it every morning.... I vaguely recall offering a choice of him being beaten to death with his noisy exhaust or having it surgically inserted 🤔