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I like to try and work it out and then find out at the end....😁 do you use the front break on your bike as much as the back?
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In: London
Posts: 36689
No I use it more. The front brake is the stopping brake and the back is more of a control brake. Have you been out enjoying the sunshine?
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In: Carlisle
Posts: 679
ebserlutely have you ever forgot to ask a question in ask then next person
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In: Hilton, Cambs
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yesss if you mean Rush for it! did you just have a mahoosive ⛈️⚡ thunder lightning and torrential rain storm??! 🌧️
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In: Carlisle
Posts: 679
thunderbolt and lightning very very frightening NO I have not just had thunderstorm bit late bit lame but there you go did you ever use Mr sheen on your bike
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In: NA
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nooo ...not yet 😂 do you have a certain routine before heading orf on bikeo?
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In: London
Posts: 36689
Yes, I have a ritual of walking around to my garage first. If money wasn't a problem. How many bikes would you have?
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In: NA
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😂🤭🤣🤣😝 I'd have an arial and a sunbeam and then lots of old style 70s/80s bikes.... which racing do you like, BSB, Moto GP, TT, northwest 200, superbikes, club racing etc
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In: Hilton, Cambs
Posts: 13128
At the risk of sounding like a heretic I must admit to not being a fan of bike racing. I've driven my car around many race circuits (non competitively) whilst marshalling but have no wish to ride my bike round them🙄 What do you do to help you sleep (he asked at 2.40am) ?
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In: London
Posts: 36689
Read. But if it's a week of no sleep, Night Nurse but not if riding the next day. Do you play music first thing in the morning?
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In: Hilton, Cambs
Posts: 13128
Nope. Always in the car and in the evening... Do you have ice in your soft drinks out or choose not to so that you get more of what you paid for?
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In: NA
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😆 hahaha about "get more of what you paid for" ..... if I want ice, I have ice simples.... I sometimes ask for a pint glass with ice in and then you can add it to your own drink as you like 😁 did you pierce and part of your body yourself in your yoof, or a mates?
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In: Carlisle
Posts: 679
yes but it was accidental and ended in a trip to casualty do you ever look at some one revving their bike and wonder what they get out of it
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In: London
Posts: 36689
No, I know why. They have a little willies and it's the only thing they have to play with. Do you always kit yourself up fully when riding?
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In: NA
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no! well yes as far as I was concerned!!....I used to wear normal jeans, either leather jacket or one those goretex triumph ones (still wear it now) but I took all the armour out cuz it was uncomfortable, army boots, a good lid and gloves...leather pants in winter with tights underneath for me warmth... What's the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you or a mate on bike in front of others?!
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In: Hilton, Cambs
Posts: 13128
Forgetting to take the disc- lock off the front wheel and having to lay the bike down on the crash bars as I fell gently sideways..... Do you have a special meal that you've invented yourself?
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In: NA
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I've invented everything I cook 😜🤣🤣... coz it's all from scratch with my choice of herbs and fresh turmeric, toppings etc what was the first live gig you went to?
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In: Carlisle
Posts: 679
band at the local pub can't remember the name but not headliners for sure (no offence to them) How seriously do you take recycling
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In: Hilton, Cambs
Posts: 13128
I try quite hard to do it... Jam or Cream first on your scones?
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