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General Chat/Anything Goes


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well thats true

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RC @ 29/10/2006 11:53  

Oi..... leave me alone I'm a sweet innocent young lad, I keep telling you this but you don't believe me.

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rubecula @ 29/10/2006 20:09  

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww u feelin picked on rube ? haha

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RC @ 30/10/2006 00:53  

Just a tad............ Now I have to think to myself and wonder..... What have I done to deserve all this. Actually it's quite a lot isn't it

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rubecula @ 30/10/2006 06:11  

errrrrrrrrrrrrrr yep u could say that! rofl

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RC @ 30/10/2006 08:13  

Do you think I should try to be nice and good and boring just to get myself out of this mess.... or will that not work?

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rubecula @ 30/10/2006 08:35  

maybe .............maybe not

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RC @ 30/10/2006 08:37  

Ok so it's worth carrying on in the same vein then.... on the premise that I am in a hole and the only way is to curl up and take whats coming to me??????

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rubecula @ 30/10/2006 08:53  

you got it in one pal

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RC @ 30/10/2006 10:16  

Oh great....... now I feel really wonderful.......

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rubecula @ 30/10/2006 12:16  

just think of the little people

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Blackwingbandit120 @ 30/10/2006 12:19  

You've seen them too then... people thought I was mad when I told them about the little bobble hats and fishing rods. And the way they flit from tree to tree.

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rubecula @ 30/10/2006 12:27  

Now we know you're making it's not bobble hats rube, if you'd really seen 'em you'd know they have baseball caps now. Tut

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Di @ 30/10/2006 17:09  

And they live on thier own cos theres not mushroom inside

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Blackwingbandit120 @ 31/10/2006 03:38  

OUCH BWB That was sooooooooooo painful......... I like it got any more??? lol

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rubecula @ 31/10/2006 12:27  

ok seen as you are a fungi

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Blackwingbandit120 @ 31/10/2006 12:29  

ohhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooooooooooooo

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RC @ 31/10/2006 12:32  

quiet chortle........ bwb a guy after my own heart......... he he he..... I know if I have to vanish, the awful puns are in good hands

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rubecula @ 31/10/2006 12:34  

AH good citizan never fear him is here

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Blackwingbandit120 @ 31/10/2006 12:41  

ohhh nooooooo not him again

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RC @ 31/10/2006 12:42  

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