who needs tats and baldiness with a mind like that, wouldn't care if he was covered in hair to shame a yeti !! I'd wade through the undergrowth any day!!
mmmm Mrs Attenbourogh.., Anne-Marie Attenborough,, A.M.A, Lady Attenborough,how would that look in a signature I wonder??
From politics.co.uk:
Atheism under attackThu Feb 19 09:59AM
Atheists are having a tough time of it. So tough, in fact, that they've started banding together. Today, the not-so-snappily titled National Federation of Atheist, Humanist and Secular Students forms in central London, partly due to the hostility from campus faith groups that individual societies face when setting up. Why has it come to this?
About 200 years ago, most of the progressive men of Europe presumed religion would be dead by now. The enlightenment philosophers thought the triumph of science and reason would turn men away from God. Sometimes in Britain - arguably the least religious society in the west - it feels that way. But the reality is very different.
A few years ago, another educated man called Samuel P Huntington proposed an altogether different theory, neatly summarised as the 'clash of civilisations'. He posited that the main source of conflict would centre around a handful of distinct cultures, with the primary fault line being Islam and the west.
It was hopelessly reductionist, but it had the enviable quality of chiming perfectly with its time. Shortly afterwards, planes were flying into the Twin Towers in New York and the rest is history. Right now, religion is one of the most - if not the most - important issue in world politics.
In a global political system defined by the clash, atheists have discovered something curious. Religious people hate them very much, and they have organised against them with alarming speed and efficiency. Perhaps it gives Muslims and Christians living in western societies something to unite around. Regardless; the political momentum is on their side.
Recently, the UN's rapporteur on human rights, who is tasked with protecting freedom of speech, had his job description altered. The council agreed to a Pakistani request for the rapporteur to also tackle "abuses of free expression", including, rather shockingly, "defamation" of religions and prophets.
In the UK, religious protections have grown in a subtler manner. Tony Blair consistently rejected calls to discuss his deeply-held faith, but this was not evident in his policy making. Faith schools were not just tolerated, but encouraged. An attempt was made to outlaw 'religious hatred', including abuse or insult, although the Lords managed to water it down after an eye-catching rearguard defence by a motley collection of secularists, comedians, and free-thinkers.
Across the western world, religion has been elevated to a unique and entirely unhelpful position - a position which ringfences it against criticism or questioning. The only other qualities in this category are things like race, sexuality and gender. But these are qualitatively different. They cannot be changed. A black man does not choose to be so, nor does a homosexual. Religion is about conviction and belief. Its advocates call it faith and that is indeed a decent description of belief that does not follow from reason or evidence. But it does not somehow entitle it to preferential treatment.
The thought process that drove us to this undesirable state of affairs hinges on the word 'freedom', which is itself massively unhelpful.
Freedom in and of itself does not mean anything. Its only meaning derives from the words that follow it. Freedom to worship? Quite right. Freedom to hurt people in the street? Absolutely not. But many religious groups have framed the freedom to not have faith challenged as part of the freedom of worship. They have argued that criticism is an infringement of their right to be believers. It is not. It is merely the price one pays to live in a free country.
It is unacceptable for atheist groups to be prevented from forming in universities because faith groups deride them as negative. It is unacceptable that atheist posters and banners are defaced when we would react with outrage if Christian or Muslim posters were treated in such a way. These are real world examples given to me by atheist activists. They have every right to pursue their agenda as they see fit. Prejudice against atheists is as bad as prejudice against anyone else.
Ian Dunt
Atheists challenge peoples religious beliefs and undermine a whole lifetime of religious indoctrination, it's no wonder religious people feel outraged because that would mean a rethink of their beliefs and maybe an admission that they are wrong??. No this would never happen,people need their "god",they need it as part of their everyday life, to rethink their position on religion would be to question themselves, it is a deeply personal thing and I think they see it as an attack on themselves as individuals. boils down to fear doesn't it??? perhaps atheists have no such fear so don't feel particularly threatened??
Whoever we are Wherever we're from We shoulda noticed by now Our behavior is dumb And if our chances Expect to improve It's gonna take a lot more Than tryin' to remove The other race Or the other whatever From the face Of the planet altogether
They call it the earth Which is a dumb kinda name But they named it right 'cause we behave the same... We are dumb all over Dumb all over, Yes we are Dumb all over, Near 'n far Dumb all over, Black 'n white People, we is not wrapped tight
Nurds on the left Nurds on the right Religous fanatics On the air every night Sayin' the bible Tells the story Makes the details Sound real gory 'bout what to do If the geeks over there Don't believe in the book We got over here
You can't run a race Without no feet 'n pretty soon There won't be no street For dummies to jog on Or doggies to dog on Religous fanatics Can make it be all gone (I mean it won't blow up 'n disappear It'll just look ugly For a thousand years...)
You can't run a country By a book of religion Not by a heap Or a lump or a smidgeon Of foolish rules Of ancient date Designed to make You all feel great While you fold, spindle And mutilate Those unbelievers From a neighboring state
To arms! to arms! Hooray! that's great Two legs ain't bad Unless there's a crate They ship the parts To mama in For souvenirs: two ears (get down!) Not his, not hers, (but what the hey? ) The good book says: ("it gotta be that way!") But their book says: "revenge the crusades... With whips 'n chains 'n hand grenades..." Two arms? two arms? Have another and another Our God says: "there ain't no other!" Our God says "it's all okay!" Our God says "this is the way!"
It says in the book: "burn 'n destroy... 'n repent, 'n redeem 'n revenge, 'n deploy 'n rumble thee forth To the land of the unbelieving scum on the other side 'cause they don't go for what's in the book 'n that makes 'em bad So verily we must choppeth them up And stompeth them down Or rent a nice french bomb To poof them out of existance While leaving their real estate just where we need it To use again For temples in which to praise our god ("cause he can really take care of business!")
And when his humble tv servant With humble white hair And humble glasses And a nice brown suit And maybe a blond wife who takes phone calls Tells us our God says It's okay to do this stuff Then we gotta do it, 'cause if we don't do it, We ain't gwine up to hebbin! (depending on which book you're using at the Time...can't use theirs... it don't work ...it's all lies...gotta use mine...) Ain't that right? That's what they say Every night... Every day... Hey, we can't really be dumb If we're just following god's orders Hey, let's get serious... God knows what he's doin' He wrote this book here An' the book says: He made us all to be just like him," So... If we're dumb... Then God is dumb... (an' maybe even a little ugly on the side
Excellent post TeeCee
Nothing more UnChristian than a Christian
Prob same for most religions. Never quite understood it myself but suppose it takes all sorts.
Growing up in Belfast got a real understanding of biggeted hatred and fear
Sad really
thanks to julie j i'm into the Tiger Lillies to upset a christian play'banging in the nail's' i mus be warped i'm laughin v=inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inIuYren8jg jus need a song about mohamed now!!