-10 static air temperature at 8am this morning, now risen to -8 but a beautiful blue sky out there.
The roads are nice and dry too......
Unfortunately the steep private road out of my house is like a bobsled track
It was only -1 here this morning but the bottom of the avenue sheet ice while the top was dry tarmac. I was treated to the sight of a bin wagon sliding past my window to park halfway down my neighbours drive. I shouldn't have smiled at this as when I attempted to walk up the avenue I got a severely bruised dignity along with the bruised behind.
oooh TC... I'm expecting an impressive snow sculpture then!
* Why do i ALWAYS type snot instead of snow??*
No snow here, yet..but very very cold and snow forecast this afternoon!
*throws snowball at Hfg*
Will see what I can do, Karey...
Just drove my car down the Cresta Run into town to get my groceries...waaaaayy too much fun!! (and had to use snow clamps to get me back up the last bit to my house!) Not a black bit of tarmac to be seen....
Grrrrrrrrrrrrr SNOWING HERE !!!!!!! (Look out Stella, it's on it's way!)
TC.... thats the difference between here and there, - you get snow..Wayyyyyyyy Heyyyyyyyyyyy!!!
We get snow, - Panic!! public transport stops, motorists panic, people panic buy on groceries ( bloody hell, my work colleague just said "oooh i better call at Morrisons in my dinner hour and make sure ive got plenty in!! WTF?? lol)
I wanna have snowball fights and go sledging and make snow angels, not be stuck in a blooming office
Yeah, I know.. (another reason why I moved up here!)
When I was walking down the high street two rival building firms were having a snowball fight... well, I assumed they were from the two building vans parked there unless Health & Safety says you now have to wear HiVis vests, safety helmets and leather gloves to have a snowball fight....
**ducks TC's snowball**
Usually I don't mind the snow (so long as you can play in it & not have to get to work!!) but this is now taking the pish!! mind you - bad winter usually equalls good summer??
& TC - don't joke about H&S - if they see what you've just wrote, they'll probably think it' a good idea!!!
Kaz - don't want ya snow - have it back
DOH!! Sorry, Hfg - I didn't think it through....
I think this weather fully justifies the Governments action of taxing us to the hilt and making us feel guilty about (the myth of) rising carbon dioxide levels and their PREDICTION of Global Warming....
*throws six snowballs at Karey & Hfg*
hey TC - Me & Kaz are on our way to get ya back with those 6 snowballs!!!.............it may take us a while to pootle up your way, but up your way we will come!!!...err...once we've been down to Weymouth to get TM!!...so maybe this time next year?