they provide a rich and harmonius feeling of warmth and comradeship in my lonely days ,so no,i think not.p.s. i give them pocket money to carry out contract killings so watch know you're old when the only killers you can afford are mice and hypothermia xx
47 oh god i remember some of 47,i think,or was that agnes used to live at 33,one with the goiter on her neck had a cat called simon,after de montfort, not and garfunkle,well she used to go in and do housekeeping for a bloke called wensleydale,like the cheese but not yellow coloured,unlike wong lee at the lotus takeaway,now he was proper yellow..............................sorry nursey.
Absolutely no hope for me then !
I understood all of that jinx
I know I'm old now ...
cos if DD has a bad shoulder that's an "age related" thing ....
how the feck am I supposed to "shrug" off my ailments ?
I could wreck my shoulders
emzed if you understood that,explain it to me when we bump into each other and i'll rub some linoment the vet gave me on those shoulders for you ,but in a manly not gay way.
Hey, Ive started collecting them
Gonna stick em all together
to make a Biodegradeable coffin
The older we get...........the more inventive ways
we devise to save money
when no one wants to know you any more , and even the kids would rather be with someone else , its time to give up and vote for the long term sleeping pills
when no one wants to know you any more - then they don't know what they're missing...and who needs 'em anyway!
and even the kids would rather be with someone else - yep, we've all been there, but on the plus side, you get your bathroom back, the fridge is always full...... annnnd no dead socks lurking where you least expect 'em!!