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General Chat/Anything Goes


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Da da daaaaaaaaaa! HIM is here!
Diane, help me! HIm's come to get me

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Moxey77 @ 01/11/2006 06:56  

No one is safe from HIM he is all seeing all knowing armed with pointed dusters and breadsticks

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Blackwingbandit120 @ 01/11/2006 07:55  

Going to Holland musta done some strange things to Matty boy!

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Moxey77 @ 01/11/2006 08:16  

ey 2w's?u sure u not been and had the funny stuff ????

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RC @ 01/11/2006 10:05  

I bloody wish RC! Maybe would get me into a good frame of mind again.

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Moxey77 @ 01/11/2006 10:22  

I'm ok at framing..........and i don't mind framing you..... Will that do?

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rubecula @ 01/11/2006 11:32  

I dunno what the dentist put in that dressing he put in me gob but bloody hell don't it make ya feel good I feel all spaced out. Don't make it taste no better though

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Moxey77 @ 01/11/2006 11:34  

Di-a-morphine????? lol

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rubecula @ 01/11/2006 11:52  

No, more like TCP, Domestos and aniseed Rube. Pretty nasty is it.

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Moxey77 @ 01/11/2006 11:56  

@ rube............................

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Di @ 01/11/2006 12:08  

ye it tastes like them pineapple cubes you find in gents loos.They look like them but they taste all tangy and the hint of disinfectant.

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Blackwingbandit120 @ 01/11/2006 12:13  


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Di @ 01/11/2006 12:15  

Do you want to try one Di best thing is they are free

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Blackwingbandit120 @ 01/11/2006 12:18  

Naaaaaaaaaaa, can i sit that one out Bwb, thanks awfully for the offer tho.

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Di @ 01/11/2006 12:20  

That's the one BWB.

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Moxey77 @ 01/11/2006 12:40  

You gotta get them fresh though BWB after a while they taste awful.

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rubecula @ 01/11/2006 18:45  

No no no no no no no, that's gross boys. Hang on, gross-boys, go together really!

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Di @ 01/11/2006 18:47  

Picky Girls works for me too........... pmsl

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rubecula @ 01/11/2006 18:49  

No rube actually it's finicky...............................

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Di @ 01/11/2006 18:51  

Picky finicky well yes I can see why you'd be finicky and picky about my choice of words

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rubecula @ 01/11/2006 18:54  

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