It should have been mate but.............................
so was tucked up in bed by 11.15. So here's hoping for a better 2007 than 2006
How was yours? xx
me and kids played buzz and drank tea wine till midnight,even my 4yr old stayed awake 4 the new year! then went outside to watch nxt doors fireworks. totally knackered 2day tho cos still up in night to feed baby!! best thing of last yr was birth of sam,worst thing was his sperm donor pissing off wiv anover woman!! its gotta be better this year di.xx
Not worth it when they do that Witchiest. I'd never dream of doing such a cowardly thing. Here's to a great 2007 for all of us. When we meeting for the beer then Wichiest?
bound to be better hun,am an optomistic lass! hope to get to meet my new mates this yr too! shame u dint live closer,u coulder come rnd here and celebrated wiv me and the rugrats!!! xx
am at a village in leicestershire,u couldv all come rnd,woulda bin ace,just very very tight squeeze cos little house an lotsa kids!! gotta put u on my list of men am meetin 4 beers mate,meetin psychopost nxt week,am such a busy lass!
Not suprised, you must have a string of guys wanting to take you out. It's nice though ain't it to get away from the kidlings for an hour or two? Not that I would know cos I ain't got any. Well none that I know of anyway