RustyKnight In: Newton Aycliffe
Posts: 2462
If I was organising this event and it was my first (organiser virgin alert ) and I was trying to encourage lots of people coming along I would offer amnesty to anyone who'd booked a ticket and could encourage another member to come along (2 x booking fee, simples!)
Anyway it just so happens i've just bought my ticket and i'm in the process of pursuading a fellow member to come along too!
I haven't actually seen it either Geoff.. but it does exist lol
Theres a banking before it tho.. so its a case of pushing them up and rolling them down the other side.. not an easy task.... lol
Tickets are available
now,£12 pre book £15 on numbers are limited we would advise
booking as soon as,same for booking car spaces.Just pm anyone listed in
events and we'll sort you out!!
To make things as straightforward as possible and eliminate any
charges we have decided that Biker Match members only,can pay direct into our
bank account(details to follow)either online,telephone banking or in
branch at any hsbc.
Acc name The Friendly Bikers
sort code 40-38-23
Acc No 31460307
Reference your Biker Match user name.
again if you pm any of us and let us know you have made this
payment we shall reserve your ticket(s) and confirm payment
received.Please DO NOT forget to reference your payment,this is the
only way we can confirm payments have been made.
RK - my personal experience of Rally defloration is over 30 years old but there are some things that still apply
1) it's a lot less extreme than it used to be, I can't recall the last time I saw anyone shaved and glued
2) The more you try and wriggle out of it the worse it gets
3) Try not to scream too loudly, it only encourages them
RustyKnight In: Newton Aycliffe
Posts: 2462
Thanks for that prof, i'll bear it i mind lol And cassie, I know it's you on the left but I don't know the name of your other half so was referring to him as Mr. Cassie, Geoff sent me a pm and corrected me too lol
"shaved and glued" I remember the days lol!
I also remember the matter known at the time as "retaliation"! At one rally one RV decided to retaliate by throwing back the baked beans and beer that had just been poured over his head and he really, really wished he hadn't!!
The first I knew about it were the shouts of "retaliation, retaliation"!
Within seconds the mob had descended on him, he was stripped (and we are talking naked), tied to a chair and carried out into the middle of an adjacent field whereupon people decided to "dress" him using a mixture of white emulsion, silly string, lipstick and false teeth on his genitals.
Then they left him there. For all I know he's still there!
I kid you not!
RK - You have only seen his picture mate
The Leeds Albion Dambusters rally used to be really popular for this sort of game, there was a duckpond in front of the farmhouse that in summer was usually covered in several inches of smelly green slime and overhanging trees for swinging people upside down from. The farmer was most obliging as he would put aside a tray of duck eggs a couple of months before the rally. The stench was indescribable and it lingered for ever.