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Event: (BM) Christmas Chinwag 2021 Squires

Informal Gatherings, Newthorpe near Sherburn in Elmet

Event - (BM) Christmas Chinwag 2021 Squires [Informal Gatherings] 05/12/2021 [Biker Match] Event - (BM) Christmas Chinwag 2021 Squires [Informal Gatherings] 05/12/2021 [Biker Match]

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(BM) Christmas Chinwag 2021 Squires

(BM) (BM) Christmas Chinwag 2021 Squires

Informal Gatherings
Squires Cafe Newthorpe Lane, Newthorpe near Sherburn in Elmet, West Yorkshire, LS25 5LX
05 December 2021
11:30 - 16:30
(5 hours)
05 December 2021 - 11:30 - 16:30 (5 hours)
: Sunday
: 21 (0)
: 0

The usual informal gathering of BMers prior to the festive season.

Arrive anytime around 11:30am usually ends around 16:30pm.

If you want a Christmas Dinner/Sunday Roast give Squires a call nearer the time to see if you need to book a table.

The last gathering attendance was around 30 BMers throughout the day. Let's see what this year brings. ??????


Submitted by: Lindsay

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Event Location

Squires Cafe Newthorpe Lane, Newthorpe near Sherburn in Elmet, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom, LS25 5LX

Google map & directions to (BM) Christmas Chinwag 2021 Squires
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