Just laughing about skin's post earlier about not being organised for crimbo, just wondering how our guys on BM do Christmas ?
Do they lovingly scribble a card and stuff a coupla notes into envelope and hand over? Trawl the shops searching for that perfect gift for their laydee friend/kids/family members? Close their eyes and open the Argos book, aim finger and blindly point out a Dremil drill for Granny ? Or do they do as my ex did, and look pleadingly over at their spouse ( but what did we get her?) when mummy says how wonderful their gift was ???
Eldest makes it very clear what she would like over the three months running up to christmas, so it'd take an idiot not to realise.
The other three, still being teenagers, are a bit more difficult, so I drag them all along and send them off one at a time for an hour while me and the other two decide what they're getting. It works well because their siblings know exactly what they like, no stupid guesses from an out of date part-time dad.
Both the mums get whatever the hell I feel like buying them at the time, as long as it doesn't upset the new husband or current boyfriend cos I get on great with both blokes.