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Jokes, Games & Silly Things


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 Posts: 67       Pages: 1/4

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Rhyming can be fun,
I'm not kidding, "hon",
Tell us about your day,
Or simply say "What the hey?"
And lift a lim from another one ;o)

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Wannabe @ 29/10/2008 20:40  

There was a young fellow called Bright,
Who could travel much faster than light,
He set off one day,
In a relative way,
And arrived on the previous night.

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Wannabe @ 29/10/2008 20:40  

Gone a bit hyperactive tonight, haven't yer??

There was a young feller from Ryde
Who fell down a toilet and died
The next day his brother
Fell down another
And now they're interred side by side.

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Wills @ 29/10/2008 21:07  

Hyperactivity's over-rated,
But your point as stated,
Is not far from the truth,
Yea, verily, forsooth,
I find myself far from sated.

It's been a strange kind of day,
In the old-fashioned sense of "gay",
I've heard tales from afar,
Including Zanzibar,
From great old mates - all say "hooray!"


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Wannabe @ 29/10/2008 21:15  

Flippin eck girl, So much posting, me heads in a whirl, Don't get me wrong, i think its brill, Now kindly put down that box of Trill. Yeah i know, shut it on me way out........

   Update Reply
Triumph_Sy @ 29/10/2008 21:33  

Oh Arfur, please don't lament,
Twas an admirable attempt,
But limericks, if you recall,
Have 5 lines in all,
The last rhyming with the first - without relent...

OK OK so it doesn't scan.... I'm outta practice!

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Wannabe @ 29/10/2008 21:37  

Ya sure its only Trill she's on?

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Wills @ 29/10/2008 21:38  

No i aint Wills, not sure at all, i'm starting to wonder if she picked up some kinda superbug at hospital appointment earlier today!

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Triumph_Sy @ 29/10/2008 21:47  

Come along Wills - finish it please,
Don't be such a rotten tease!
Leaving just a first line?
For some that'd be fine,
But this is a limericks thread - Jeeez!


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Wannabe @ 29/10/2008 21:48  

You sure that Lou's on the trill?
I'd rather have a look at the bill
If it's some kinda dope
Then all we can do is hope
That she ain't gonna be terribly ill

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Wills @ 29/10/2008 21:53  

Tsk tsk! Of dope I have no need,
Please, dear readers, take heed!
Tis a road to disaster,
Which you will never master!
Steer clear, good friends, of the weed!

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Wannabe @ 29/10/2008 22:05  

Think i've got the hang of this now, Nice one WB/Wills for showing me how, It's no excuse that i am quite tired, I simply wasn't aware 5 lines were required, Thankyou, i thank you *as he takes his first bow*

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Triumph_Sy @ 29/10/2008 22:06  

BM breaks into rapturous applause,
At Arf's first limerick without flaws.
My friend, you'll go far,
And be quite the star,
Sticking to the limerick thread's laws ;o)

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Wannabe @ 29/10/2008 22:11  

Twas a mushroom that I had in mind,
And I don't wanna sound too unkind
But you pick em for free
And eat em for tea
And end up a little unhinged

(poetic licence in the rhyming here, I'm afraid)

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Wills @ 29/10/2008 22:12  

Poetic licence is a given,
When to rhyme you are driven.
You can always trust a Scouse
To be first in the house
To bend the rules... oh crivens!

It's always the last line that stumps me... and the more tired I become, the worse they get! ;o)

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Wannabe @ 29/10/2008 22:16  

Thanks Wills and Arf for joining in tonight,
But try as hard as I might,
My eyelids grow heavy
As a 75 Chevy,
So I bid both you chaps a "Goodnight" :o)

Sweet ones xx

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Wannabe @ 29/10/2008 22:38  

Thank heavens......for little girls, Especially when they give a flouncy twirl, Cos they rhyme in a most delightful way, And always a pity when they cannot stay, For their bedding covers they must unfurl.

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Deleted Member @ 29/10/2008 23:25  

Welcome XK, to the Limerick Zone. Rhyming's better in company than alone. We'll soon be swapping stories, Relating tall tales of our glories, And I suspect I might even just have a moan?

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Wannabe @ 30/10/2008 11:01  

did u ever hear of four lasses who had in their hands CBT passes they needed sum bikes wiv engines and lights and a nice comfy seat for their Ar*ses ! and wheels,,and brakes, clutch, gears etc.. u get the picture ! lol

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Karey @ 30/10/2008 11:17  

Of this story, I've heard tell, Pray share - did all end well? Do these 4 lasses now ride Down the road side by side, Tearin' it up like bats outta hell?

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Wannabe @ 30/10/2008 11:21  

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