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Jokes, Games & Silly Things


Limericks.... (2) - Forums [Biker Match] Limericks.... (2) - Forums [Biker Match]
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Errrr as yet i fear not for bikes they have not got well one has, thats true so that leaves me, HG and you we need more money int pot !

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Karey @ 30/10/2008 11:44  

Ah yes, the old folding stuff. Don't it just give you the huff? At our time of life, We should have no strife, And in the kitty, plenty enough!

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Wannabe @ 30/10/2008 15:48  

Flippin eck, dont remind me, Just the thought of it leaves me quite shaky, Lock up yer sons, These gals sure aint nuns, The four of them together? Oh crikey!

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Triumph_Sy @ 30/10/2008 17:52  

These are all very good! I'm seeeriously impressed!

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Roachy @ 30/10/2008 18:04  

ive just dropped me dinner down me sofa..........i.m cryin with laughter of gotta have a go guys have sure made me smile this evening.....

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diamondsabre @ 30/10/2008 18:11 too.. ive been int office on mi own..wiv stacks of work to do.. but been creased up wiv these .. Reet lass.. get thee thinkin cap on..

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Karey @ 30/10/2008 18:15  

Arf.. we arnt nuns, thats true I wuddent wanna be one..wud u? Cant ride a bike Wiv a habit so tite I'd be wantin to go to the loo!

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Karey @ 30/10/2008 18:17  

well my 125 i have got........ but my sisters, sadly have not.. its a sad tale to tell for we really cant fail... to get our engines fired and hot!!!!

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diamondsabre @ 30/10/2008 18:19  

Ahh the old folding stuff is half hearted Away to the cupboard i darted I found my piggy, so easy and gave it a squeezy But Im so skint.. the poor thing just Far*ed

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Karey @ 30/10/2008 18:24  

pmsl at that one Karey!!!!!! lol

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diamondsabre @ 30/10/2008 18:29  

Heyy ..mebbes we cud get em published and sell the books for our fund??

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Karey @ 30/10/2008 18:34  

I had an ambition when young,
To grow up and become a nun.
Praying, singing and gardening,
It don't sound too disheartening.
In fact it could be kinda fun.

As for celibacy? That's achieved with ease.
I spent 2 years cohabiting - oh please!
Must be the only girl in the land
To be saddled with a man
Who went off it immediately - oh jeeeeez!

After a year of rejection
And no sign of erection,
My efforts I quit,
Like he gave a tom tit,
And sought solace in a Cadbury's selection.


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Wannabe @ 30/10/2008 18:52  

Wouldn't, couldn't Kaz, if the truth be told, As i stept out of me habit, the truth would unfold! You see as quick as a flash, The sisters would see i've no gash, Screaming 'Hail Mary's for being so bold'!

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Triumph_Sy @ 30/10/2008 19:25  

What's all this about "unfolding"?
Is there some truth you're withholding?
Guys will turn green with envy,
Ladies will go all wobbly,
And Ann Summers will want a new moulding!

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Wannabe @ 30/10/2008 21:33  

Ooer, have to be careful here, Well, if anyone would know me dear! Please don't shout it too loud, Of my secret i'm proud, Stops gals leaning in to leer!

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Triumph_Sy @ 30/10/2008 21:43  

Well if i want to leer, then i will Thats why me mum put me onto the pill cos i'm a bugger that tries to get into the flies of a bloke who's bulge just fits the bill!

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darkcarnival @ 30/10/2008 23:42  

Oh the joys of working on a pc. I was busily composing, you see, A limerick of epic proportion, To try to eliminate distortion Of this festival day, full of glee. But the pc, it crashed, And with it, my hopes dashed. My masterpiece lost to the ether, I've even looked beneath 'er. With a hammer, it'll soon be bashed! I'll wish you all a happy new year, Hoping it'll be filled with good cheer. So salutations this Samhain! Shame I'd set such a good scene, Only for it to up and disappear. *exits in search of BIG hammer*

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Wannabe @ 31/10/2008 13:41  

Nice one WB!! PMSL at DC!!

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Triumph_Sy @ 01/11/2008 01:28  

This limerick thread's going well, A book, I'm sure would sell, I, for one, would be buying, But with limericks, not trying, 'Cos my rhymings not very good.

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Blueboy955i @ 01/11/2008 09:21  

lol..not bad Blues I'm off to Ripon today To meet BMers and say Lets have a cally Abart arranging a rally And hopefully have a good day ! Hmmmm not mi best effort....but ive not been up long

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Karey @ 01/11/2008 09:32  

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