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Chat Room or Waiting Room? :)

Chat Room or Waiting Room? :) (2) - Forums [Biker Match] Chat Room or Waiting Room? :) (2) - Forums [Biker Match]
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Chat Room or Waiting Room? :)

 Posts: 33       Pages: 2/2

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The chat room has gone strange on me again, sorry davo, catch ya next time. MSN is looking more attractive

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Sandi @ 22/04/2007 19:55  

i cant get my writing any bigger in chat its dead tiny, the different colors help but i have probs seeing what everyones putting, but rc's gonna come over an fix it for me so hopefully will be able to read better !!!!! and keep up wiv what peeps are saying

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storm @ 23/04/2007 04:24  

yep be over later mate n show u how to do it xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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RC @ 23/04/2007 04:35  

cant get my txt bigger

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storm @ 23/04/2007 08:15  

lol rc will show ya then drink all ya tea get u making more cake more tea fags then collar ya pc then more tea , ryt rc? lol

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Sexysmirnoff @ 23/04/2007 08:31  

yep to right bp and i dont want it any other way ...........more tea vicar???? pmsl

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RC @ 23/04/2007 09:24  

Yaaaay! I managed a lengthy waffle last evening. Nice crowd of peeps in there too (if ya can call less than 6 a crowd) cobra was havin' a spot of bother with his snake, apparently he couldn't go to bed until it was asleep I went to bed when the chat room meter broke (screen froze up)

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Sandi @ 24/04/2007 10:21  

I broke it again!! Nar I'm gettin' fuggin annoyed wiv it I said 'hi folks' and that was it, the fugger seized up again

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Sandi @ 24/04/2007 12:48  

aaaaawwwww dont give up - went in last night and chatted to nearly everyone Ive been getting messages from - soooooooooooooooo nice to catch em all at last!!! Keep it up - going in the chat room too lol!!! Sandy xxx

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Deleted Member @ 27/04/2007 12:12  

Got the real thing yesterday, Sandy, CHAT I mean, at R C's birthday meet. See you in the chat room, that's if I don't break it again. Kwak

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Sandi @ 29/04/2007 03:54  

was great to meet u yesterday kwak hun xxxxxxxxxxxx

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RC @ 29/04/2007 13:06  

didnt see much of you kwak but was nice to see ya there

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storm @ 29/04/2007 13:07  

yeah nice to meeya even if i ddint say much told ya im shy x

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Sexysmirnoff @ 29/04/2007 15:13  

 Posts: 33       Pages: 2/2

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