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BM Website Issues/Help Requests

Chat Room or Waiting Room? :)

Chat Room or Waiting Room? :) - Forums [Biker Match] Chat Room or Waiting Room? :) - Forums [Biker Match]
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Chat Room or Waiting Room? :)

 Posts: 33       Pages: 1/2

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Just a suggestion (if it's been suggested before I apologise but I aint seen it) but if we could agree a day(s)/evening(s) and time to be in the chat room then it would save us from sitting in there waiting for someone to enter. ?? Waddya reckon?

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Sandi @ 22/04/2007 08:20  

ROFPML I've just been in the chat room and thomsondiane was in so I started waff...erm... chatting and said 'Good afternoon' reply...asked had she nodded off...then a message appeared saying... thomsondiane fell alseep and was put to bed Talk about spoiling us

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Sandi @ 22/04/2007 08:26  

the chat room has been alot busier latley..9 people in it the other night just keep trying or open it up then go looking through the forum and checking back ,peeps are starting to use it more now dont give up on it though,cus if we all did it would be empty again.

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millsy @ 22/04/2007 08:27  

Yea but, no but, what time??

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Sandi @ 22/04/2007 08:29  

when your in chat room and havent put any message up for a while it comes up with that mesage if there still there there name will still be listed

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millsy @ 22/04/2007 08:30  

I'm sat in there on me todd, but that's prob cos I started singing. I'm goin off line myself in a mo.

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Sandi @ 22/04/2007 08:34  

I forgot i was there to be honest, been popping in and out all morning but davo fell asleep to so i ain't the only sleepy head

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Di @ 22/04/2007 09:25  

bout 8.30pm ish i usually look in and mostly ppl in there!

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witchiest @ 22/04/2007 14:02  

thers no one in there now lol

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Sexysmirnoff @ 22/04/2007 17:23  

Ok I'll just keep popping in on the off chance there are others in. I wouldn't mind but the *babysitter doesn't chat at all. *the one who put Diane to bed

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Sandi @ 22/04/2007 18:38  

Oh typical!! I finally find the chat room and now it's bugg...broke. I could see Cobra was in there but there was nowhere for me to enter text. It was working fine when no one was in, or is that the idea?

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Sandi @ 22/04/2007 18:49  

click refresh at top of browser lol

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Deleted Member @ 22/04/2007 18:50  

I tried that before, Cobra (I'm pretty quick sometimes ya know, usually just after I've had me weetafix) still aint working. Matt!!! If ya want us to chat in the chat room, and not on here, ya goina have to fix the fugger hon.

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Sandi @ 22/04/2007 18:54  

you may need to re-boot your computer the chat room is working fine

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Deleted Member @ 22/04/2007 18:55  

how u going mate , did u have a good ride out

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Deleted Member @ 22/04/2007 18:59  

Yes thnx m8 i forgot about that St Georges,we gonna have to go out one weekend Ninj somewhere.

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Deleted Member @ 22/04/2007 19:01  

I aint wearing me boots Cobra, it was working fine afore, as is the rest of the site, and other sites, so 'taint me puter I'd suggest we get a chat room over at MSN but I think Matt would lynch me Someone pick Matt up off the floor and loosen the buckles on his nice white jacket

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Sandi @ 22/04/2007 19:11  

Often some applications may freeze up and others work fine,so a reboot is necessary.

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Deleted Member @ 22/04/2007 19:15  

Thanks for the help and the chat cobra, stay in the chat room longer next time eh?

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Sandi @ 22/04/2007 19:45  

Thanks for the help and the chat cobra, stay in the chat room longer next time eh?

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Sandi @ 22/04/2007 19:45  

 Posts: 33       Pages: 1/2

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