I was thinking a Martial Arts one.... Then I can actually speak with some semblance of authority instead of thread-jacking and going off-topic in a flippant fashion.
Thing is, I used to do peoples' gardens for a living, including installing ponds, but I can't remember a bloody thing!!!
I can't knit... well I can, but very very badly...
Erm cross stitch? It makes me cross anyway... I have half a dozen part completed cross stitch thingamies :o) ... I get bored and wander off to try something else...
sneaking a gardening question in...anyone got a none weedkiller way of killing dandilions? am fed up of always pulling em up and they appear again overnight!!! dont really want to use weedkiller as smiley likes helping in garden and wouldnt want any harm to come to me littleman!!
Vinegar... allegedly... no idea if it works or not! lol
And careful with the application because it'll kill the surrounding grass too ;o) Stick some in a spray bottle and have a bash at it - let us know if it works! Apparently you've to spray it for about 3 seconds.
Alternatively, tip boiling water on it... which will also kill off the surrounding grass! D'oh!
You'll have a lawn with little bald patches, but hey, no dandelions... alternatively, extract the juice and start up a little cottage industry selling home grown herbal remedies :o)