Ahhh Hallmark day is almost at an end. Forest's have been destroyed to make the cards and everywhere there are wilting roses. I however am under orders not to do mushy stuff... **** this post has been edited to remove unnecessary slush from contaminating the site ***** Fraglette site moderator and PP's long suffering other half!
I got married in a leap year
Couldn't do VD (interesting acronym) so plumped for the 20th being the following Saturday
It all worked out ok, I'm better now...
Yeah of course I said yes. Wont happen for a while yet though. He has to be divorced first! lol
But I love him to bits and didnt hesitate! And my baby has a great daddy after all now. Love always seems to come along just when you have given up hope doesnt it?????????
Thanks babe. He's playing a gig on the 23rd but he said next get together you have he will be there!!!!!! Im still coming tho dont worry!!!! >>>>F**k it thinks Stuey<<<< lol
Congratulations to you both, Kerry and Mick, so happy for you both , and little Willow having a lovely daddy when she makes her apearance xxxx
Wow, I've only been away a week yet seems everythings happened whilst I've been away!
Leap year is always special for me, its my daughter Sophies official 3rd birthday on the 29th, she will be 12 ! Its hard to imagine that tiny 4lb scrap is now up to my eyes, she was still in 3-6 month clothing on her first birthday ! Also Tom, he was a Leap Year baby too, born in the year 2000, in March, he was a scrap too at 3lb 10oz