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General Chat/Anything Goes

Weekend Planning

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Weekend Planning

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"Shake a Leg"? AC/DC lol You better jingle at the meet after that claim Storm or there will be questions asked..... pmsl

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rubecula @ 16/10/2006 16:09  

the bells...the bells...

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Di @ 16/10/2006 16:17  

pmsl di,

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kay @ 16/10/2006 16:35  

They made me deaf you know....

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rubecula @ 16/10/2006 17:34  


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Di @ 16/10/2006 17:37  


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rubecula @ 16/10/2006 17:39  

More tea vicar?

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Di @ 16/10/2006 17:54  

No sugar thank you.... if you think I'm getting silly just give me a kick under the table

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rubecula @ 16/10/2006 17:56  

can't reach...........

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Di @ 16/10/2006 17:57  

Oh I see you would if you could eh? Threatening behavior to a mere chatterbox.....Help Help I need a rescue.

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rubecula @ 16/10/2006 17:59  

when you start hearing bells rube they cart you off you know, an i aint jingled any tonight either !!!!!! can i have fairy cakes with my tea milk no sugar please thank you from sister storm ive just got in the habit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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storm @ 16/10/2006 18:00  

Don't worry..........when 2w gets home from work you'll get a BIT of a break

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Di @ 16/10/2006 18:01  

Fairy cakes sound a bit ..... well not me. I'll have a bourbon biscuit instead. What part of me where you girls planning to break <<<<<grabs neck in alarm

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rubecula @ 16/10/2006 18:04  

anything that snaps rube

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Di @ 16/10/2006 18:07  

Hell I am in trouble ... at my age EVERYTHING breaks

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rubecula @ 16/10/2006 18:11  

lol diane soooo glad you can sort him, right done for the night so be good you lot

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storm @ 16/10/2006 18:12  

Goodnight Storm see you soon. Have a good night

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rubecula @ 16/10/2006 18:16  

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