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General Chat/Anything Goes

Weekend Planning

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Weekend Planning

 Posts: 77       Pages: 1/4

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So ok what are you lot planning for this weekend..... Today I will phone me dad up in Knotty Ash. Maybe go to the shops. and then veg out and try to wind down after this last week at work. Tomorrow...(Sunday) Well guess what I am back at work grabbing a bit of overtime at the other airfield. (One of our pilotots cleverly missed the runway when he landed..... ouch)

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rubecula @ 14/10/2006 10:26  

(One of our pilotots cleverly missed the runway when he landed..... ouch)

Silly boy Hope the planes ok

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Moxey77 @ 14/10/2006 10:36  

Yeah the baby pilot is ok... plane is a bit bent, which is why I am getting some overtime.

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rubecula @ 14/10/2006 10:50  

Scrat arris!

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Moxey77 @ 14/10/2006 10:52  

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rubecula @ 14/10/2006 10:57  

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what have i been up to over the weekend, had a lovely day out yesterday(friday) with bwb took me out on his bike, today we've just chilled out 2moro,im off to mum n dad's as its my dad's 65th birthday blackwingbandit also stand for.......bloody lovley bloke awwwwwww

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RC @ 14/10/2006 11:09  

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what have i been up to over the weekend, had a lovely day out yesterday(friday) with bwb took me out on his bike, today we've just chilled out 2moro,im off to mum n dad's as its my dad's 65th birthday blackwingbandit also stand for.......bloody lovley bloke awwwwwww

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RC @ 14/10/2006 11:10  

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what have i been up to over the weekend, had a lovely day out yesterday(friday) with bwb took me out on his bike, today we've just chilled out 2moro,im off to mum n dad's as its my dad's 65th birthday blackwingbandit also stand for.......bloody lovley bloke awwwwwww

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RC @ 14/10/2006 11:10  

ooops pc playin up sorryyy

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RC @ 14/10/2006 11:12  

What? and I was just thinking that it was just you were so happy you had to keep telling everyone

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rubecula @ 14/10/2006 11:21  

well yeah there is that to rube

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RC @ 14/10/2006 11:27  

Trust Uncle Rube to dig you out of a cock up RC

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rubecula @ 14/10/2006 11:29  

woooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lol

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RC @ 14/10/2006 11:42  

...............and dump himself in one..........

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rubecula @ 14/10/2006 11:45  

Love in the air RC?

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Di @ 14/10/2006 11:48  

Cue for a song Di?

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rubecula @ 14/10/2006 11:50  

Not from me singing but would get done under Human Rights if anyone else had to listen. Honest! I'm crap at singing.

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Di @ 14/10/2006 12:13  

Well I'd give you a good bet that I am even worse.... "A man has to know his limitations"

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rubecula @ 14/10/2006 12:19  

Diane, I'm sure you'll be singing next weekend

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Moxey77 @ 14/10/2006 13:32  

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Di @ 14/10/2006 13:59  

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