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Jokes, Games & Silly Things


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Confucius say.. he who speak with forked tongue, should not kiss balloons. Confucius say.. he who sit on tack, get point (bwb) lmao Confucius say.. squirrel who run up womans leg, not find nuts. Confucius say.. virginity like balloon , one prick, all gone. Confucius say.. man who throw away watch, wasting time. Confucius say.. woman who spend much time on bedspring, may get offspring. Confucius say.. man who stand on toilet, high on pot. Confucius say.. fly who sit on toilet seat, get pissed off. Confucius say.. man trapped in pantry, have toes in jam. (2w's) pmsl

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RC @ 13/11/2006 11:08  

Don't start him on jam fer crying out loud!!!!!!!

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Di @ 13/11/2006 11:36  

oohhhhhhh sticky topic there di??????????lmao

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RC @ 13/11/2006 12:39  

Summat makes me think he's not too keen on the stuff!!!

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Di @ 13/11/2006 13:34  

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm wonder what???????????

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RC @ 13/11/2006 15:28  

Confucious say.......... man with hole in pocket feel cocky all day. Confucious say........... man who go to bed with problem in hand wake up in morning with solution.

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rubecula @ 14/11/2006 13:13  

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RC @ 14/11/2006 13:16  

Confucious say ....... man with haemarrhoids has piles on his mind

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rubecula @ 14/11/2006 13:53  

you got piles then rube?

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Di @ 14/11/2006 15:26  

Dunno.... would you just check for me.... rofl

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rubecula @ 14/11/2006 15:31  

Do i 'ave too???????????????????????????

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Di @ 14/11/2006 15:33  

Well it depends on what you use to check with really.

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rubecula @ 14/11/2006 15:36  

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RC @ 14/11/2006 15:40  

Gotta nail gun, will that do?

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Di @ 14/11/2006 15:41  


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rubecula @ 14/11/2006 15:43  

wooooohoooooooooooooo go di pmsl

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RC @ 14/11/2006 15:44  

Well, it'll sort the problem rube!!!!!

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Di @ 14/11/2006 15:56  

I can just see me explaining that to the doc........

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rubecula @ 14/11/2006 16:00  

yeah bottoms up pmsl

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RC @ 14/11/2006 16:01  

Scuse me doc Di tried to cure my problem with a black and decker can you help sort it out? Yes Rube... I have a bosch that will fix anything....... OW OW OW

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rubecula @ 15/11/2006 18:54  

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