Don't know if I should say this but I sell adult products, to put it politely. Not sure if this will help any BM members out but I guess it may help someone somewhere; lol.
You had best get your sword sharpened XKL cos i think your in for a few slaps!!!! LOL
Ok, Ive got my Lgv licence, (hgv class 1), so if ya need a truck movin.....
Got a btec nat diploma in general engineering, lathes, millers etc and specialised in CNC Programming....
Have done accountancy for small businesses, keeping books and VAT returns....
Oh yeah, and im fluent in Portuguese if any good to anyone......
Dont know if i can be of any help but the offer is there if you need!!!!
Well I am a hairdresser, beatician, masseaur and fitness intructor, I am also a grade three auxillary nurse, a nanny speciallising in special needs! I volunteer at 4 breakfast and after school clubs! I can usually put my hand to anything practical! Love cooking and sewing! Basicallly if ya dont ask ya wont know so just ask!!
Hiya Bikeabill,
I don't actually work at the moment as have been ill but just do things for friends when they need something!!
Spare time though involves my two girls or when they are with thier dad at weekends I try and cadge a pilly ride off of someone or chill out watching films, lol!! Mind you you can usually find me online a lot!! LOL!
This site is great, got chatting to some brill people already!
Hope you have a fab weekend!
IT and project management certified, student in Visual basic and Sql, Although I now run a grounds maintenance business( that's what happens when you move to the countryside), so if you have events that need marking out or you have friends in louth/lincs area who may need a days work here and there, then I maybe able to help. I am a student in software development, but i'm very green but will have a go if anyone needs help with a program/creating/testing
Machinist precision engineering......3 years working for F1 team......also plumber qualifications.....5 years self employed but missed the engineering too much
I run my own telecoms business, covering everything from house's to shop offices factorys etc, so can put in anything fron a single household extension upto 20,000 phone telephone system, also install Cat5e & Cat6 structured data network cabling, CCTV for home and business, and also work on linux based telephone servers. Used to do household burglar alarms but the part P regs mean I dont do new installs but can do upgrades! Also installed my own central heating system, double glazing replaced door frames, doors kitchen units & worktops tiling floor joists and floor. And can spanner my way around most machinary.
Im long term sick with crohns disease, had surgery 4 years ago and have been offering voluntary sales and marketing advice to my father/ business partner on an online jewellery webstore for the last three years after leaving fashion retail. im always looking for people to network with online , at events and gigs, anywhere... if your not networkig your missing opportunities!
I plug bands and fix music types up with each other for projects and organise and micro manage sections of their band needs, such as merchandise, back drops, custom badges stickers , patches , i'd love to chat to the guys and girls about doing some leather work for custom ordered band branded wrist cuffs... :D \m/
I also study anthropology (for mental relief from the worm hole of online advertising) and occupy my spring and summer breeding butterflies . At the momment im studying how to get the maximum amount surviving to full adulthood for releases at weddings! if anyones interested...??? PM me ... lol
im also writing a thesis on endangered insect within the uk and building an educational presentation to work along side the life cycle of insects and the importants of them in the wild for native species of flora on a darwinion pollenation angle.... submitting to Eden project in conwall for launch this spring! fingers crossed!
My love of bikes is a family thing for me , my sis is on here too so i thought i'd give it a go! hey stealthchick!! :)
im also a qualified chef and a camp cooking enthusiast! :P x
Hey Dette,
Seems like for someone starts a post with "I'm long term sick" you do more than most of us who are supposedly in good health, are there enough hours in the day? or are you an insomniac too?