Imagination is a Powerful Tool that can transform our Lives and those around us... Where do you let your imagination take you too?? ~ Come on.. share your wildest most lushest of hopes and dreams...
my imagination takes me to the places I was going to visit and things I was going to do this year. Had to delay them for the time being.
Hope they will be achieved next year but untill then I have my imagination on how fantastic it will be to,
Ride Route 66
Live part time at the coast
Spend the worst 6 weeks of our winter somewhere warm.
Well.. I had hoped to make you all the subject of a book and use your imaginings for my own personal gain...
I AM Joking.. Obviously!! That would be wrong on so many levels.. wouldn't it?!
Seriously though.. I did wonder... I have "Awake Dreams" and they really are quite bizarre.. just wondered if anyone else lay back their head sometimes and had imaginings...
Thank you for sharing though.. some quite canny ones here... and "dark recesses" ~ Just reminds me of a conversation about Alice from the Twilight Movies... and the word "sychronicity"... Mmmmmmmm.. that is a devilishly lush word!
And.. for the record.. if you can imagine it.. you can believe it.. and if you can believe it you can achieve it... Sooooooooooo..
Ask.. Believe.. Receive... Simples with a bit of practice
and for the record.. I'm still practicing.. the Believing is the hardest part but it does work! I got me a David and I got me a Bike and I can Ride It!!! sooooooooo... something to think about
I imagined that I was young and gorgeous today. Unfortunately I was indulging in some spontaneous retail therapy at the time and came home with a bloody mini-skirt OMG
My imagination takes me to a lot of places, some are achievable with a lot of hard work others are just for me and their is no way it will ever happen....."Aint that right Angelina" lol
Imagination is a powerful tool, use it to motivate and give you something to live for something to aspire too..... You may not achieve all that you imagine but if you do one thing you will still have achieved what you once thought impossible....
ps.. waiting for the "eviction notice" from not so discerning neighbours.. no class them downstairs.. wouldn't know talent like mine if it bit them on the ass