Hi Bazza. Thankis for this - you've guessed it - I'd love to ride pilly to brighton or wherever. But, being totally blind, I really need picking up either from home or from somewhere where I can get to easily. I live in West London, W12. Can anyone help? Bazza...I don't think you realise quie how difficult it is for me to get somewhere like one of the southern meets - this is the problem. Hope you understand.
My Pilly seat is vacant for this event, if there is any pilly who wants to go to Brightona on the Sunday 14th October from the Hastings, Bexhill, Eastbourne area's, either PM me or put a lift request on the events calender, i will check the requests regularly.
Come on Southern Pillys come and have a day out with us
it seems to me that there cant be any pillys down south this thread as been up over a week and only one pilly responded or may be its to cold for them cant say us southern softies havent tried arranging any thing to get peeps to gether