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Compliments about your bike

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Compliments about your bike

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Do you get complimented on your bike when your out and about ? Do you see people giving your bike a once over ? Always seems to be the old fella with his missus in tow, yesterday in Moreton, old boy stopped for a minute to give the VFR a going over, then he came up to me outside the cafe and says ' Nice bike mate' and toddled off. Then theres the 'used to be a biker' type, and the 'wants to be a biker' type. Then there's Mr I don't have a clue that i met yesterday...Is it a Yamaha ????? No mate thats why it has HONDA written on the tank. I have even had a nice lady whoo hoo in a posh car stop and likes the VFR yellow colour (typical woman'

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VFR800AJ @ 14/09/2012 08:53  

Ooooohhhhh..... typical woman????????........
sharp intake of breath there matey!!!!!!
...'cos i don't even LIKE yellow!!!!

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Deleted Member @ 14/09/2012 09:19  

A couple of years ago I had a old Honda 250 Wet Dream as a winter hack and couldn't stop anywhere without guys coming over and wittering on about how they used to own of those/it was their first bike etc etc.
On the 'don't have a clue' side, I once pulled up on my old Buell Ulysses, (they have a small fan to cool the rear cylinder which continues to run for a short while after you switch off until the cylinder cools) and started to walk away. A guy stopped me thinking that the noise of the fan whirring was the 1200cc H.D. engine still running!

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centurion @ 14/09/2012 09:43  

had a lady say once about my freshly re-restored guzzi 750s3 at Bristol classic bike show"if you had to have sex with a motorbike,that's the one"................!!!!!

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jinx57 @ 14/09/2012 16:35  

When I used to have a bike I didn't get compliments but I used to get the same comments made, many times 'What CC is it?' and 'Really? mm looks bigger' It was a 125 Honda CM, quite a *heavy bike and it did look bigger. *I pushed it more than rode it lol

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Sandi @ 14/09/2012 16:49  

"Pushed it more than rode it " lmho at that one .....

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Deleted Member @ 14/09/2012 18:35  

Having a large HD, I'm always having people looking at me at lights trying to see what bike it is. when I'm next to the bike getting off or getting ready to go someone nearly always stops to talk to me about it the majority used to own a Triumph/BSA back in the day. It's nice to hear some of the old stories.

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Deleted Member @ 14/09/2012 18:46  

I get loads of people asking about mine. I've had to read up about it so i know the answers! I'm told there's only about 25 in the country so when people say they've never seen one before thats why. Whenever i go Squires or Matlock it quickly gets surrounded (i'm usually having a hot choc!) I do love my bike though. No one believes its a 659 it looks like a 125, perfect size for me

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OMNF @ 14/09/2012 20:42  

Its a very cool bike OMNF Nice to have a "rare" beauty Even nicer to have it appreciated

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Emzed @ 14/09/2012 22:22  

I'd just parked my roulette green speed triple (which is a tad loud, ahem..) when this little old granny wobbles over and I get prepared for another talking to...
"Ooh, that's a lovely colour", she says and we had a really good yap about all sorts for nearly an hour. Twas a really sweet moment

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justjerry @ 14/09/2012 23:27  

i get loads of people coming up and sayin how nice zebedee is and he is very preeeeeety

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zzrbabe42 @ 14/09/2012 23:31  

I get asked 'how the F*ck do you ride that?' due to my controls being on the left (pic in profile). Also many say they like the Matt black or 'It's different' one guy even said it looks like it wants to beat him up as it's so aggresive looking??? Oh and of course the Elderly who had a Triumph when they were a Lad! Most car drivers probably just comment on who that cock is filtering that bike through the Traffic

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Viking Tel @ 15/09/2012 06:53  

VK i did exactly that last night to a biker who squeezed in front of me and the leading car at the traffic lights by me.......................knowing full well i have done the same on many occassions.

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VFR800AJ @ 15/09/2012 09:37  

just been to the garage to do tyres on bike and petrol tanker driver came over and was literally droolin over zebedee he used to have one and even said he liked it better than his pants hyabusa pmsl
zebedee is pure quality

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zzrbabe42 @ 15/09/2012 12:04  

My bike gets a few looks as they are not so common, but the best was a few weeks ago in Bewdley, we were going back to our bikes, these blokes were looking at my bike and saw it was mine and the one said "respect to you" and pointed to the crash bung, which is scraped on the one side from the previous owners accident and my dropping the bike as well. He actually though I'd managed to lean the bike over far enough to scrape the crash bung on the tarmac (only in my dreams!), even though it's on the exhaust side, which doesn't have a scratch on it. I had to explain why it was scraped, and only later realised it would be pretty much impossible ride it that far over! Still gave me a good laugh. The pink number plate I've just put on attracts a few looks too now!

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Deleted Member @ 16/09/2012 21:41  

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