When I was first "initiated" into this concept at the weekend.. given a verbal description and then because of the look of consternation and disbelief that was evident on my face.. a youtube video.. I thought.. Oh You Are So Having A Laugh!!
Got on Poppy this afternoon and thought.. "Yeah yeah whatever!! Like this is never gonna happen.. you're asking my brain to work backwards!!!"
Note to self.. you can't counter steer under I'd say 8mph.. likely to fall sideways.. thankfully have legs with feet attached which is really quite convenient on T junctions and roundabouts...
After trying to get Bike around a bend like I would in a car and just ending up frustrated.. slow and "ffsing" myself and accelerating down the road through a mixture of embarrasment and temper cos for sure the white van behind me was laughing his ass off at me.. I thought.. okayyyyyyyyy.. give it another shot
Oh My God!!
Why Do They Not Tell You About This In Your CBT?!!!!!
After an hour or so.. I have fallen in love with Counter Steering!!
Swooooooop.. Swooooooooop.. Yeeeeeeeeeeeehah!!
Swoooooop.. Swooooooo[.. Yeeeeeeeeehah Baby!!!!
All the way home.. Seriously folks.. My Smile was huger than huge and I want to share how positively lush it feels to actually be in love with your bike and not want to get off and not want to come home even when it starts to rain and my my my.. if I master positioning next then I'm ready for mod1 and mod2 and blow me cos for sure I can remember posting that I would never be able to go above 20mph!!
Thank you for your support.. and your belief.. once again... I am Smilingly Lush because of BikerMatch and its ecclectic bunch of folk and my wee Poppy!!
Lmao Emz.. only got my CBT on 20th June hunny but tis wickedly lush nonetheless and you and me babes.. Olivers Mount.. 'cept I might not make you wait until I'm 65
Ohhhhhhhh Duh!!! Too true Emz.. too true.. and here was me just celebrating being released from care last week lol... Put it down to blonde and lateness of hour.. You however aren't so green as you are cabbage looking as my gran would have said.. loves ya!
And Hell Yeah Baby!! Not sure what the proper reply to "Bring it on Sister" is.. but it's there.. on the tip o me tongue.. someone just has to prompt me
Hey.. betwixt me and thee.. do you think we should make it a BikerMatch Event lmao
i remember when i was learning, counter steering seemed an alien concept as i was 31 years a car driver at the time. now i guess i do it without even thinking. Good on yer matey.
Before you know it Rockchick you will be getting your Knee down as a means of judging your angle of lean, you may even be able to save a front end slide whilst banked over
mind you it never stopped me falling off
and that is why i hate the romans, bloody straight roads indeed. Welcome to the real world rock, it's why folk ride for as long as they are able too. And congratulations on the leap of faith.
Just what i thought when i started out way back when but still hav to work on my lean angle, chucking arse of seat and need to pick up corner entry speed a lot.... Brain see's corner, back off the speed downgearing coz braking unsettles bike and due to lack of weight front end doesent seem to dig in under braking like the baby blade does....
Take it easy hun-speed comes with time as does confidence but if u get it wrong dont beat urself up too much or lose faith in urself-better going in too slow and whacking on the speed on way out of corner than going in too hot and getting urself into a whole load of anxiety xx
'Tis a wonderful thing to grasp RC. Did my DAS through Newcastle rider training and they taught it from the get go, agreed, it's hard to get your head around when somebody explains it to you, but when it clicks... Fook me it clicks! riding went from being stressful and feeling as if you're constantly battling the bike... to smooth, flowing, effortless meditation in motion. Enjoy! :)
Ahhhhhhh for sure you are a wickedly lush bunch of folk.. thank you for your comments and insider info and personal stories and wee little applauds.. makes me feel.. well.. almost normal!!
Have to admit.. not quite "cured" 'cos I laughed my backside off at this comment..
"before you know it you'll getting your Knee down.."
then something something about angles and think trajectories.. but would have to go back and read again to be sure but the "you are having a laugh!!" is bouncing round my head...
But likely will be coming back next year starting a thread saying "I got my knee down!! Omg.. remember when I couldn't even.. blah blah blah..."
Cheers loves.. know where to come when I need a smile and I love Blind Faith.. f.y.i. and just sorry I haven't been around to read all this lush stuff
Hi All,
when I started out, counterstearing was'nt known, the process of getting a bike around the corner was a matter of suck it and see if it worked. Now thanks to Pual Smart, Kenny Roberts Jarno Saarien, we can indugle in knee out cornering, and the term counterstearing came across the pond from Keith Code and his riding school.
Now days the grip of modern tyres means that you can get your knee down in the wet.....possible not to be tried on the road.
Besides I have to many holes in my knee cap to do the knee down thingy now....still trying to avoid arse down....
I can totally relate to the "still trying to avoid arse down..." have managed so far.. hoping the so far is a life long term.. don't think I'd bounce as well as I did when I was a child.. not that I rode motorbikes when I was a child you understand.. but spacehoppers are just as dangerous to elbows and knees I'll have you know!
And cheers markiexs.. that last post made for really interesting reading.. wonder how much it would cost to learn with Keith Code.. Mod1/2.. trip across the pond.. win the lottery could be lush!!
Well done as it takes a bit of nerves to try it and then get it right .....you will have loads of good times ahead ,learning more and more as your confidence grows along with skills learnt .........things like left hand side of the road for right handers , always look where you want to go and the bike will follow,always ride at your own pace......etc all takes time cant buy experience
Most of all have fun And ride safe