So he's started on his deliveries
Follow Santa and see when he's due to deliver your prezzies, that way you'll know if you've been a good boy/girl
If he passes by, you aint been good
Happy Xmas all
LOL Doc, we've got a member on here by the name of Billy Whizz, I don't think we've got an invisible man tho
I've been good, I've no got anyone to be bad with
I'm not convinced by this be good all year lark. Be good for 364 days just to get a present on one day. More fun to be naughty for 364 days and not worry too much about a present you'll probably sell on eBay anyway. Besides, last year I said I wanted a larger bank account and a smaller belly; Santa got that the wrong bloody way round; lol.
Have a good Christmas everyone. Shops close in an hour so I'm off to do the Christmas shopping.