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Another gets away scot free

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Another gets away scot free

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So another one gets off scot free. This country is a joke.


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MjN @ 13/03/2013 08:21  

This is getting to be silly now or did we miss the governments latest policy on motorcyclist culling to reduce the road congestion.

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JP @ 13/03/2013 09:51  

Its a sad day when the justice system fails.....but it is becoming more common....Judges are just too out of touch with reality...

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Deleted Member @ 13/03/2013 10:26  

Me thinks over crowding in jails plays a big part in none custodial sentences for folks deemed not to have done something 'bad' enough. Pretty sure if it had been an emergency services biker, things would have been different.

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Brummie Jackie @ 13/03/2013 11:08  

There is a comment note page about contacting your local MP to "let your views be known". I'm very tempted. I'm fed up of reading how car drivers seem to get away with this behaviour. It's disgusting.

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MjN @ 13/03/2013 12:06  

It would appear that on the scales of justice killing a biker doesn't weigh much.

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Gloom @ 13/03/2013 18:16  

I think you will find they are also under extreme pressure from government not to jail anyone if they have a choice because of cost and over crowding....but this is a travesty of justice ....these Judges should be dismissed, its disgusting!

A biker breaks the speed limit and they get hammered....jailed even.... to the powers that be we are lesser humans than others......any incidents against bikers are less harshly dealt with than the other way around!

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Deleted Member @ 13/03/2013 21:30 That's absolutely disgraceful, he's a repeat offender at drink driving, are the judges going to keep letting him off until he actually kills someone? Well done to the member of public who followed the drunk and confiscated his keys.

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Sandi @ 13/03/2013 21:38  

well there was a footballer not so long ago killed a biker head on after he fell asleep at wheel and got away with no jail sentence as the judge i think new it was "out of character" and he was over tired...... if it had been children or pedestrians on pavement i reckon the judges would come down harder... bt like a few above say i think they jus see us like in the old days when hotels had signs up saying "no blacks and no irish" then again.... when have bikers ever been really liked....... bt its absolutely disgusting and the message going out to car drivers will be "dont worry we all make mistakes, it dont matter you are in a lethal weapon just drive how ya like as you will get away with it anyhow" people gt locked up for stealing a few thousand by some kind of money fraud, hurting no one, bt coz money matters more they will go to jail. life ... or some lives mean nothing to those that think they are this planets "gods" we all need to start riding like the crew in Mad Max ... kill em alllllllllllllllll ..... ..,. its not funny tho... this is peoples loved ones and i really think some people who populate this planet of ours shoudl be put down like a rabid dog would be.... they drive the same way they live their lives... no respect... they own the world.... they think they are IT....

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Deleted Member @ 14/03/2013 18:18  

I'm in total agreement with what has been said above It would seem that in the "grand scheme" of things Bikers are considered inconsequential As a "minority" social group we are disregarded Until it comes to voting time, when the "Bikers are voters" slogan Thankfully carries some weight We should make good use of that influence at the next general election Great "rant" Suz and love the new pic

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Emzed @ 14/03/2013 18:32  

I wonder what would happy if Prince Harry or Prince William were hit by a driver whilst ont bikes?.....

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MjN @ 14/03/2013 19:13  

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