Hello everyone, Alan here . Just joined. Took early retirement last June and keep busy making exhausts and brackets for fellow bikers. Also do servicing and repairs for people I know. Really looking forward to meeting some of you, especially the ladies! Will be attending the Rye to Folkstone run on Sunday. Say hello to me. I'll be on a black 1300 Midnight Star cruiser, wearing a flip front helmet. I am a short, slightly overweight , northerner.
Hi Megabiker.
welcome to BM, we are a nice bunch of er...what is the word I'm looking for.......oh yes....nutters.
give us a shout if you are in the Manchester/North West area and we shall see if we can get anyone together for a ride out.....but if not, then down the pub.
We know each other Cheryl, I'm also Megawatt on SECB. Thanks rowanblossum, afraid Belper is the nearest I'll be getting to Manchester for a while. Used to enjoy regular rins to Rivvy barn though.