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closest shave ever!!!!!

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closest shave ever!!!!!

 Posts: 18       Pages: 1/1

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well kids..almost met my maker today(which coulda been kinda cool,always been a fan of norman wisdom) filtering through traffic at yet another queue of roadworks,and bam! this old bloke in a ford focus just cut right across me and braked to close the gap between his car and a skip me when i say it was more luck than judgement that i hit neither.anyway,i jumped off the bike,the wagon driver screamed at him out the window,i really want to hit him,til i saw he must have been knockin 70,and his lady passenger looked terrified..he said he'd queued for 10 mins. and was sick of bikes "tearing through the gap" .i told him had my bike had another coat of paint on it he would have just become a murderer,the wagon driver(he told me he had a bike)was still screamin at him..anyways,im tellin ya this cos ive had bikes a long time,and sometimes get a bit complacent,cos,on the whole,car drivers aint too bad,stoopid,but they try to give you room,and you start to expect it.i've read a few people on here are just passing their tests and stuff,just wanted to let ya know...never,ever forget it only takes one mindless old jerk to stop ya clock.please be careful if ya still not used to filtering,ok?

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bumperscraper @ 29/08/2007 09:37  

but whats really cool is...i just had a kitkat which was ALL chocolate! no wafer..ya see,every cloud has a silver lining...

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bumperscraper @ 29/08/2007 10:03  

where'd you get that kitkat? I want one. I've seen a cardriver open their door to stop a biker filtering through.

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Oggy @ 29/08/2007 10:07  

Hey bumper,love your 'tude dude

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Deleted Member @ 29/08/2007 10:43  

glad ur ok bumper ,m8

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RC @ 29/08/2007 10:56  

i was on an advanced course and there was four of us with a police instructor filtering through heavy traffic and as the forth bike passed this car the driver actually got out and stood blocking the 5th bike!! Error on his part, it was the instructor! Is the kitkat orange or mint?

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Deleted Member @ 29/08/2007 11:02  

it mus be very frustratin for the cagers to see us free as a bird happy peeps on the move,talkin of queues an jams have been stopped by someone wantin a fag!!have had chats wiv drivers wantin to know what the hold up is!!given directions,most car drivers pull over[one thing about harleys they hear yu comin]but theres always the unexpected<. may be my imagination but peeps seem more friendlier to harley riders maybe cos we are gettin on an harmless lookin!!an look less agressive with open face!!jus a thought!!no doubt the anti harley brigade will have a say!!

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tangoman60 @ 29/08/2007 11:25  

Glad you`re ok and managed to stay intact!!! the attitude of some car drivers is sickening... exactly the same thing has happened to me twice (both times at Switch Island which being from Liverpool you`ll recognise, both times it was a woman and both said similar to your old guy, if they have to wait in a queue then so should I!!!!!!!!

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Speedy Claire @ 29/08/2007 14:29  

Just point out the law to them,its not ilegal to filter on a bike & if they object you can always suggest calling a copper,they might possibly get done for obstruction of traffic but if they feel you should wait that shouldnt bother them

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Oggy @ 29/08/2007 14:33  

i never understand why we bikers should wait in their queue? If half of them rode bikes then there would be no queue in the first place! So why should we wait cos they all drive around in big metal objects that fill up the road???

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Matt @ 29/08/2007 15:05  

As a car driver, I would like to say that I ALWAYS look extra for bikes and never assume anything (I'm so perfect!). Sounds like you were really lucky, I bet the old bloke will look out in future, so he'll miss the next one by a bigger margin.

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lives2ride @ 29/08/2007 15:10  

i hate the waste yu jus see queues an tailbacks every where all wastin valuable resourses its crazy !!it wont be long fore the countrys gridlocked!!i hate car driving its to slow! in bristol they let yu use the bus lanes good idea should be national!

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tangoman60 @ 29/08/2007 16:12  

hmmm thinkin back a guy puled out in front once an i called him an old fart an then thought oh dear he's about my age!!!! case of pot callin!!!

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tangoman60 @ 29/08/2007 16:19  

Thanks for the advice bumperscraper, are you sure you weren't too close to his bumper? lol (that's a joke afore anyone jumps down me throat) I'm glad you didn't meet your maker, even if he is Norman Wisdom

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Sandi @ 29/08/2007 16:57  

Thanks for the info... Have only done just over 100 miles on my bike and still got a lot to learn... being a new biker an all. The filtering will come in time when my confidence is up but will keep lookout for some of the things you guys have said. Mind you I already had a car pull out on me on a roundabout the other day. She made eye contact but was just going to fast. My lid turned blue by the time i got past her but it certainly gave me a bit of a shock on how easy it can happen. Glad you ok Bumper

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babbsy @ 29/08/2007 19:54  

Coming into Liverpool from the south these days is just bonkers, and if you don't filter the journey time can almost double. As I've got a white BMW a lot of cars move over for me, especially when I'm near the police HQ. Maybe i should try a white helment and a hi-vis jacket too? A police instructor I know reckons it's a bit of a grey area legally. Main thing he reckon ed is that if there was an acident the rider might have difficulty denying liability with an insurance company. Worst tnhat's happened to me is a touching of mirrors a couple of times, nothing too serious. I get worried about being stuffed up a Wacker Quacker, one of the bloody enormous amphibious tour vehicles they use here, with an evil-looking propeller at the back end.

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Wills @ 29/08/2007 21:01  

despatched for 18 years few things i learnt quite exhaust they cant hear u comin dont use lights they dont see u comin look at position of front wheel [on car]if it moves take avoidin action keep a constant pace if they block your way go another way round[if poss]just dont stop it anoys them even more if one gets out dont stop they will move just treat them like the idiots they are

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fatmanonholiday @ 30/08/2007 04:45  

As a learner i made the mistake of pulling over to let this car that was up my arse pass me next thing i am eating the pavement a mistake that won`t happen again lol

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deadrose @ 30/08/2007 17:15  

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