If you could make a one-off payment using a debit/credit card, direct on BikerMatch's website and not via Paypal, rather than paying weekly via Paypal... would you?
The costs in setting up such a system are very very high (Setting up secure connection, certificates, payment processing gateway etc), and so no discounts could be offered.
However, it would be an alternative way to pay for those who don't want, or can't get, a Paypal account.
If you could make a one-off payment using a debit/credit card, direct on BikerMatch's website and not via Paypal, rather than paying weekly via Paypal... would you?
Matt, Paypal problems aside, I am more than happy with the current process. It's easy and offers no loss of money to users if they find they cannot retain their membership.
If there was an alternative to Paypal, then that could be explored whilst still keeping the weekly payment. I might push to a Monthly payment, but then the question arrises do you get members to pay in advance, at the end of the month or at a day/date to suit them?
Kwak 'No'- that was short and sweet, care to elaborate lol.
I am actually thinking about cancelling my 99p per week subscription. I don't use chat, don't often contribute to the forum and am not looking for a date following my disastrous incident with Mr Bunny Boiler, and whilst it is only 99p a week I am not sure what I am getting for that.
So do I. I've lookled for Mr BB in the profiles, and he must be using a false name!
Seriously, I can see where you're coming from if you're not a chatter and regular originator of PMs. How's the North Wales move coming on?
meanwhile back to Matt's original question
If you could make a one-off payment using a debit/credit card, direct on BikerMatch's website and not via Paypal, rather than paying weekly via Paypal... would you?
Kwak have you ever been a schoolteacher? Just when the class is getting interesting, then Miss comes in and calls 'em all to order
All right then, seeing as there's no discount offered then as far as I'm concerned, if it ain't broke, don't mend it.
Now, back to the bunny boiler. Must be particularly excruciating for a vegan...
If I could have paid via debit/credit card when i joined I would have as I didnt have pay pal - but after signing up with paypal am quite happy with it!
lol @ wills.
Good to hear folks are happy with Paypal. Makes it easy for me to manage everything too, and they maintain all the accounts.
It's the only way the site can run at 99p per week. If I had to manually check all subscription payments at the bank etc, it would be a ball-ache and I'd certainly have to increase the amount per week (Or have a minimum of 6 months payment at least).
Wills asked: Kwak have you ever been a schoolteacher? Just when the class is getting interesting, then Miss comes in and calls 'em all to order
No! Now be quiet and get on with your home work