I just made a big change to the website.... there is now no longer a limit on the amount of replies a standard member can send!
As long as they are talking to a full member then they can reply. The limit used to be 25 messages.
This means that if you have a full membership on BikerMatch, that ANYBODY can reply to you, for as long as you have a full membership.
At the same time I am disabling the nodding system for standard members to prevent abuse of the system.
I will be monitoring this closely to see what effect it has over the next few weeks. I'd also like to hear from full members of the site - what do you think about this?
What hasn't changed - standard members can NOT start new messages and they can also not reply to other standard members.
I've not been here long enough to easily recognise the difference between full and standard members, but so long as some worthwhile differential is maintained I'll be happy? Restricting std. Members from nodding or initiating conversations would seem to fit the bill.
Well I for one like this :) nothing wores then trying to chat to someone that can not reply :(
For me this is most likely the best change to the site since I joined :)
yea I think Mark is right. There was a limit imposed to stop people "freeloading" forever and sending strategic "winks" to full members to get out of supporting the site.
A site for 63,000 members and 30 million hits per month requires substantial infrastructure and support to maintain it, as well as a high investment in advertising to bring in constantly more new members (replacing those who leave). It's a shame most people can't understand that and they post their email address, phone number, facebook link etc on their profiles, forum posts, photos etc.