What the feck? 562 users online and only 16 women in total, what a fecking shit site these days, whats happened? love to know where all the women have gone!!!!!!!
out of curiosity I read your profile. Not that appealable. You come across as a complete twonk who just moans and bitches. Get positive, be nice and maybe someone out there may become more inclined to be attracted to you!
Ooo-errr, looks like someone spat their dummy out!
All I can say is get out to events n rideouts, meet people and you never know .
As for renewing subs, I don't think you will have to bother, as the site is accessible to all. However, considering your comments, I doubt your presence will be missed!
Good luck in your search for a woman, perhaps I should wish her Godspeed too
Well I'm dating another one of the girls from here as well.
Plenty of girls on site. Of all ages shapes sizes and tastes.
You get out what you put in simples really But one thing you're guaranteed to grab with an attatude and language like that ranges from stuff all to not very pleasant. By the looks of things status quo judging by your current comment.
If It's a dating site or a shag fest your after maybe one of the other sites out there might be more to your taste.
Get out there and try meeting up with some people mate. You may just have picked a bad day, I could name more than 16 women I have met from this site, the majority being on meetups and rideouts, not sitting, in a bad mood, in the privacy of wherever you are. Although I am not looking for more than friendship and rideouts, I have met some really nice people of both sexes. So, get yourself out there, I'm sure your not really like how you have initially come across.
You should have gone to the Christmas dinner a last week there were plenty there. I was on a table with 1 gent and 7 lady's it would of been 8 but the short fat scotch bird had to leave early
At rallies I don't even bother with a glass (shocking I know) why would I want to waste it by transferring it into another receptical?!
Double, no coke, no ice, (in a glass) is just the ticket, when in company.
With regards to the time of the original post, I too noticed that and thought that he would have been lucky getting a response from half a dozen folk at that time (male/female). I reckon a heck of a lot of members don't log out. Personally, I tend to forget to do so on nine out of ten times.. purely an age thing, methinks!