Might be a bit late in the year to get a rally up and running for this summer. Anywhere we could organise a big camping weekend, and think about reviving KISS for next year? There's always the reliable Squires, or maybe the Cotton Arms in Wrenbury in south Cheshire - I'll be down that way for the Big Brekkie at the Raven and could drop by to sound them out. http://www.cottonarmswrenbury.co.uk/
Have a natter on Pilly day. For KISS, next year would be better for me certainly as this year is fairly full already and I have managed to get a passout for a few days on the bike, in N.Yorkshire in July also Fancy the run up to Tan Hill this time, but make my plans nearer the time.
Think it's not going to happen guys. My priorities at the moment are getting the new website made and a new server purchased & setup (around my other day job, business and kids).
Organising KISS just isn't possible for me now. Mentally or financially.
Sorry guys
I'll try and get over to one of your organised events with Marsha if we can