If you go onto the 38 degrees website: <action@38degrees.org.uk>,they are currently forming a mass petition to sway the government from approving the use of pesticides which along with pests,will also decimate our bee population...how stupid can chemical companies be??No bees,no natural pollination,no crops ....duh....no brainer..this link was to me but it may let you join in... http://bit.ly/2eBuFS0
if not,go to 38 degrees website....you could save our country /planet.. this may 'bee' the last chance.....sorry Michael Gove is probably incapable of independant rational thought or behaviour-make the twit's mind up for him!!
Corporate sponsorship of government legislation on chemicals / pharmaceuticals has been well documented. It's got way out of control.
They also sponsor research on their use, and then - surprise surprise - the survey results indicate people are in favour. Genetic crops being one example.
A worthy cause,in these cynical times,a humble insect whose disappearance would have a far more catastrophic effect than the "Faceless Ones" would ever admit to,if enough people spread the word we can can overturn this stupidity by people power..Thank you all for supporting this.
signed up yesterday. Well done there my man for highlighting this. I think bees are amazing insects and as humans we could learn a whole lot from them!
Had a lengthy letter from the office of my local MP(Labour),explaining their stance on this(dead against it),and assuring me that the party line is set in stone and all their MP's in accord with the fight to dump this out...FYI,the companies with the dodgy chemicals are Bayer CropScience,and Syngenta...wonder how big a 'Backhander' they're paying to Party Funds or some faceless Whitehall folk...??