Anyone else got snow this morning??? I love it, am off to the stables with my camera. Rhys(baby horse) has never seen snow before. If you havent seen horses play in the snow before, its hilarious. Wooohoooooooo
P.s Got to get there first, could be interesting
covered in snow here this morning, which stuck all day even though the sun was cracking the flags.
Had to ride bike in it too - which was horrible (Nearly lost it on motorway cos they dont grit the roads as quickly in netherlands).
DC - Whats wrong with the edit function? Works fine for me
<quote matt >DC - Whats wrong with the edit function? Works fine for me
It took me 9 attempts to get it looking legible. Dont know why?
<quote wills>Dunno who looks colder on your new photos, DC - you or the horse
Most definately me! Even my thermals werent keeping me warm, although an hour of sh*t shovelling soon sorted that lol
in what way was it not legible? The reason i ask is that there could be a bug which I would need to fix. You need to be more detailed with your explanation
The link i put in went into html mode(?) when i tried to remove it(1), so i went back and deleted it and added the eta bit(2), however when i checked it afterwards, nothing had changed, so i went in and deleted the link and eta again(3), but still no change. so i went back in again, deleted the link(4), but no eta bit showed up. so in again, link deleted this time, but not the explanatory eta text(5). in again, swore and shouted at it, and it worked albeit smiley didnt, but i gave up then(6)..ok so i exaggerated the number of times, but does that help?