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General Chat/Anything Goes

Before anyone asks

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Before anyone asks

 Posts: 14       Pages: 1/1

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If anyone ever does ask, that is. Yes it was a good week on the IOM. I went to strip an aeroplane down to get it transported by road to RAF Valley for repair. (It's engine had exploded and destroyed itself big time....... and damaged the rest of the 'plane) It took nine and a half hours to get there in the wagon, then we had to unload all our kit. The hangar we were in would have been too rough to house rats in. We had to go through security searches every day just to get there. No toilet facilities so we had to go to the refueling post and ask to use theirs. We worked (bloody hard too) for between 9 and ten hours every day. But we had drinkypoos every night, we watched sport in the bar when we wanted too. Food was brilliant and lots of it. I went into a casino for the first time in my life. (Is losing fifty quid in five mins being successful by the way?) I went to the cemetary where my grandad is buried for the first time ever. I went to see Lady Isabella, and was most impressed. Got shanghaied into climbing Snaefell in the dark, with rain wind and sheep all around and was most unimpressed. (knackered my trainers and got covered in sheep shit and mud) On the ferry back, the weather was so rough people were lying all over the floor being unwell. The waves were coming over the back of the ship!!!! My baccy, papers and filters all went overboard in the howling gale. We forgot to take three important tools with us .... so had to improvise. (I just cut through the cables instead of disconnecting them. My mates used a bloody huge mallet to take the wheels off and we nicked a spoon fromm the hotel, then filed it down to the right shape to turn the fuel cock.) Would I do it all again? Too bloody right I would

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rubecula @ 06/10/2006 12:46  

Sound as tho' you had a good time? Glad to see you home safe & sound. How's the bruises now?

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Di @ 06/10/2006 13:32  

fading thanks hon.... still a bit tender but lots better TY 4 asking

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rubecula @ 06/10/2006 13:48  

lol rube sound like a top job you got there !!! good job you didn't climb snaefel in wellies !!!! bet after all that your glad to be home...... losing just fifty quid at casino good cos it could have been a hundred !!!!

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storm @ 06/10/2006 13:55  

At times I could dream about It is nice to be home but I did enjoy the whole thing.... even though it cost me a small fortune in stuff. Still I'll get it all back in my pay packet.

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rubecula @ 06/10/2006 15:08  

yea welcome back mate, glad you had a good time cos it cud have easily been a shit week for ya

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Matt @ 06/10/2006 15:34  

Yeah thats true Matt..... it was a bit of a knife edge.... luckily I came down on the right side of it.... mind you I am a lot poorer and a lot more tired. oh and a lot heavier, lovely food. pmsl

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rubecula @ 06/10/2006 17:00  

Glad your back in one piece,fine on the tools and improvisation,yeh us plant fitters need only one tool a heavy lump of metal with a wooden handle attached.worked away myself in the past,found myself in some bizzarre situations as well.but had a lot of laughs along the way

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SEAN ZXR750H1 @ 06/10/2006 18:17  

thanks Sean, yeah you're right, you can end up in a funny places but improvisation will get you out of them and usually leave a grin on your face at the end of it all.

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rubecula @ 06/10/2006 19:55  

Welcome back rubecula A J

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Sandi @ 08/10/2006 20:08  

Thanks AJ nice to know I was missed

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rubecula @ 09/10/2006 02:04  

Good to have ya back buddy. Except when you go on about spiders, worms, slugs and the like. You naughty boy

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Moxey77 @ 09/10/2006 11:00  

lol u a sound geezer rubes ya funny u always cheer me up x

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Sexysmirnoff @ 09/10/2006 18:22  

It's nice to know I'm doing something right... glad you like my posts hon. Basically I'm just a total nutcase Now blow us a kissypoos

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rubecula @ 09/10/2006 18:36  

 Posts: 14       Pages: 1/1

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