Hiya been speaking to a lot of peeps who would like to meet up at the Vic. Have just looked at events calendar and it is pretty chocker at the moment, so the only date I can find so far is Sunday 15th June?
Would you all let me know what you think and whether I should confirm date and be able to put on Events page?
Well tried and I think I have succeeded the second time to get it onto Events...just waiting for a moderator to approve it and hopefully it will be there!
Waaaa Hoooo!
B C the event hadn't appeared on the calendar for checking so I've put the event on for you. Let me have further details please? Time of meeting? Is it a weekend event?
Altho anyone can submit an event it's me that approves them, not the moderators. They only do it if I'm away on holiday or off sick.
Sorry RC hun if I got you into any trouble...you know I am scatty at the best of times....what AM I like...its the pea, it wasn't quite rattling right hun x
You know I loves ya hun x
Hey Room for a little one - Been right boring sod these past few months : That has to change.
and to think the average time of me goin to bed after chattin on here used to be 2am....bring back them days
Would love you to come hun x We will all have an ace laugh. I know RC and Flame can vouch for that! Barking Mad the lot of us...but atl east we are not boring so and so's! (ooops nearly let my halo slip and said something naughty! LOL!)
Cool - I tend to be a bit naughty and play up thou - hell life is to dam short to be boring. And there is always a bloody good reason why we need to relax just waiting round the corner.....