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Windows 11 privacy concerns.

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Windows 11 privacy concerns.

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I'm sitting on the outside looking in here as I don't use Windows 11, but some of the stuff going on is worrying.
Advertising we're all hardened to now, but this is a whole other kettle of fishes.
The data Microsoft could harvest from this is very valuable. Their present position is 'no we won't', but they will be sitting on a huge seam of gold. Do I trust them to resist the temptation to dig a little bit?
I might as well do screen shots of my own and stick them on my front door, at least the animals round here can't read 🙂

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Steve_H @ 23/05/2024 10:16  

i know about this, it is a real concern as if a hacker gets in all your personal data is gone, not a clever move, i gave up on windows years ago and now use Linux a much better system and way more secure.

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rocker21 @ 23/05/2024 12:29  

Gave up windows years ago too, using Mint at the moment, does everything I need.

Don't trust Microsoft at all.

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dynax @ 23/05/2024 17:54  

It seems like all the best people are using Linux 🙂 In my case it's cos I'm a tight arse and ain't junking a pair of perfectly good computers just because Windows demands it.

It's still a real scary thing though. Even if Microsoft can resist the gold mine it is data scammers would love to get their grubby paws on - and all that takes is a dodgy video of fluffy kittens, performing sheep or someone without their clothes on.

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Steve_H @ 23/05/2024 18:25  

As some of you know I run a small computer repair shop, all the servers I install are all Linux based and we have converted some of our customers to Linux as the computers were fine just old, Linux makes good use of old hardware and is way more efficient

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rocker21 @ 23/05/2024 21:34  

Can anyone translate cuz I don't have a fuckin clue what you are talking about. Ps do any of you know how to sharpen a nail for my slate please

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JP @ 24/05/2024 11:23  

Nurse says you're not allowed sharp object.
And you can't have the crayons either cos you eat them.


Can anyone translate cuz I don't have a fuckin clue what you are talking about. Ps do any of you know how to sharpen a nail for my slate please...

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Steve_H @ 24/05/2024 12:46  

But the red 1s taste like jam

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JP @ 24/05/2024 14:33  

The blue ones are the tastiest and most nutritious apparently 😋

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Steve_H @ 25/05/2024 06:20  

What I'd like to know is how to convert to linux from windows and how to use it.

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Double six @ 26/05/2024 10:05  

That's easy D6, if you use Firefox as a web browser, the profile can be moved, same with thunderbird for email, there are office programs that will happily cope with word, Excel etc, if you want more info, give me a call

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rocker21 @ 26/05/2024 11:15  

Tis very easy to D6.
Go to, download the Cinnamon Mint file, and then follow the instruction to make a bootable USB stick.
You can then boot from the USB stick and have a play with it, but don't install it without backing up your files first.

There are other versions of Linux, but Mint is one of the most Windows like.

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Steve_H @ 26/05/2024 15:00  

Second Steve's suggestion.

Also if you use a decent sized usb drive, you can pretty much use that as your stand alone system without having to remove windows or operate as a dual boot.

Might be worthwhile picking up an old laptop or pc to experiment with.

I have a few flavours of Linux on individual drives, that I can use from any laptop or pc just by altering the boot sequence.

I have bootable usb's of mint and ubuntu, if you fancy having a go.

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dynax @ 26/05/2024 18:49  

D6, I'm not that far from you, I could show you sometime if you wanted.

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dynax @ 26/05/2024 19:00  

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