just wanna say hi to anyone and everyone..
must warn you im a caveman when computer is concerned!
still throwng rocks at keyboard!!
dont laugh.....gotta start somewhere!!
awwwwww welcome to biker hun hope u have a good look round the boards
there is also a chat room to
and if ya get stuck someone always around to give u helping hand
aaaawwwww you all making me thanks everyone for welcomes and hope to chat to you all soon...... sean thanks mate for advice about hammer!! but big club works better.... progressing to fingers next time
p.s power to the brummies
Hate to tell ya but me Dad's a Brummie(Maypole) and I lived in Brum for quite a while!!
Grandparents lived in Quinton and me Auntie & Uncle had a cafe on the Bearwood Road years ago.
Doesn't take me too long to slip back into the accent