I don't think that there's anything 'new' happening now. There have allways been sick twisted people about. The difference now is that we get to hear about it more often.
Men who have those sort of interests in little children should have their gonads removed and the word "SICKO" tattooed across their forehead.
That is all I have to say on the matter.
I'll second that one BC...!!
If anyone harmed my Robyn, be it physically or mentally, they'd be sorry, would have a fair old army of angry people to deal with!!
Same goes for Dave's daughter, and yours too!! !!!!
worlds full of em i'm afraid !!lifes full of predators preyin on the weak vulnerable an innocent,always has bin an always will all you can do is educate an be careful lobby parliment for better laws an hope for the best!but not to the extent where youre frightened to go out!!i would like to see these people removed from the gene pool!an would happily put a noose around there necks if i was sure i had the right one!fraid thers no guarantees of a happy life, all of us will experiance hurt at some stage[some more than others !] its par for the course of life!!
I have to agree with MT & TM on this one and add that its the bloody justice system lets us down.A university friend of my daughters had the most sickening experiance at the hands of her stepfather of 15 years,the sick f***er had even built a special frame to facilitate his depravity.During one of several breaks he took she managed to escape to my daughters who obviously called the police.When they went to the house he calmly explained that he had fought the urge for years but thought it only right he waited till she turned 18!!!!The price he payed for destroying this bright young life and that of her mother who carries the guilt of his acts,12 years which in reality will mean about 7,of pampering in a special wing with evrey convience you could want at our ****** expense
Sorry about the rant folks but having known this girl before and after i have some idea of the devastation caused and truly believe in certain cases the death penalty is the only answer
Latest development:
Everyone's innocent until proved guilty, but the picture emerging is one that many of us probably just can't get out heads round.
i am not shocked by any of it cos i know that things like this exist an always will!like the womans head found by kids these things happen nothing new! yu jus gotta grit yer teeth an get some determination to try an make sure it dont happen to yu or youre loved ones!but theres always the unexpected! yu cant protect em from everything lifes a lottery most of us picking a few winners but for some there is never a winner jus a constant losing streak!